Miyuki's first day at school

It was a lovely sunny day when we went outside to play in the park. Some of us wore our hats to keep the sun out of our eyes and also to protect the skin on our beautiful faces. We spent time in the sandbox, on the swings, on the slide and having fun running around with our friends and teachers. Upstairs, we made play dough all together. Everybody helped mix the ingredients for two different coloured lots of play dough. The one was sky blue and the other one was light pink. We mixed flour, water, oil and cream of tartar. We stirred inside a bowl and then cooked in a pot. We watched while it went from being a liquid to a solid. When the play dough was finished, we kneaded it which means that we squeezed it and pounded it. We had to wait for it to cool down because it was quite hot. We made biscuits for Kana to eat with the play dough.

During circle time, Kana introduced a new song about bears in a cave. We all closed our eyes and imagined what a bear looked like. Then we took turns being a bear in a cave hiding. We used a black piece of fabric and pretended that this was the cave. The person who was the bear hid under the piece of black fabric and the rest of us sang: “Big black bear, big black bear, sleeping in a cave (we all pretended to be asleep), please be quiet (shhhhhhh…….); if you wake him, if you shake him, he’ll be mad”. When everyone said “mad”, the bear jumped out from underneath the black fabric and growled “Rawr”. We all loved being the bear; and we especially loved jumping out from underneath the fabric shouting “rawr”!

Downstairs we welcomed Miyuki to our class. She is a studying to be a teacher and is going to be getting classroom experience while she is here in Tokyo. She is spending a few weeks here in Japan with her family. We loved having her with us today and look forward to seeing her tomorrow and for the next few weeks. She is so kind and gentle and she read so many stories to us on the mat during library time.

Sabine also read stories to us as you can see from the photos. During the morning we had an abundance of activities to do at the tables. We had one table with drawing on it; one table with plastic coloured cups and letters of the alphabet. We tried to match the colours of the letters with the colours of the cups. We also had a selection of numbers for this activity. The third activity was a matching and vocabulary game. We tried to name the pictures on the cards and then we tried to find their matching card. We had a butterfly, car, flower, train, boat, peacock, girl, boy and many more. We can name almost all of the pictures on the cards.

During our morning circle time, we sang our “hello” song and then sang a variety of other songs. We are really good at singing and when we have our end of year party on Thursday 7th; our teachers would love us to sing loudly, as we sometimes do in class. We are not sure as that day is a long way away. We want to remind our families that there is a list on the notice board in each classroom about the Pot Luck lunch on the last day of the year. We are looking forward to a fun time with our families and teachers that day; celebrating a wonderful year at Ohana.

Love always Shelley, Darren, Goh, Sabine, Kana, Rachel, Marie and Miyuki
