A hot, happy day
Phew, it was a hot day today and of course we enjoyed being in the park but we needed our bottles really badly. Luckily we take them to the park now as it is hot; we sweat a lot and need to drink so that we stay hydrated. This is a big word and it means that we need to keep enough liquid inside of our bodies at all times. Because we sweat, we lose liquid so we must drink many times during the day to replace the lost liquid. Our teachers always say that water is the best thing to drink. We ran around; sat on the swings; slid down the slides; engaged in imaginative play in the sand box and climbed the really high climbing frame.
During the morning we spent time doing activities at the tables. We started off with drawing at the small table. Some of us who are smaller, like to sit with our bigger friends and copy them, as they are all such good role models; and they are good “drawers” too. We also spent some time at the large table that had two activities on it. One of the activities was for strengthening our hands. We had long
light blue things which are almost like a punch except they have different shapes on them. You have to slide a piece of paper into a thin slit and then you squeeze the handle and …….bingo……a shape falls out. We had hearts, suns, trees, teddy bears, leaves and flowers. We could change the shape with the help of our teachers. Some of us who did this activity, made small pictures using a small square piece of origami paper and some of the little shapes. We glued them onto the small squares.
On the same table there were many plastic magnetic letters and numbers. Jennifer loves to line them up and take them all out of their containers. She covered almost the length of the table with them.
In circle time, we read a book called “I am a little cat”. It was a story about some small kittens and the different kinds of things that they can do during the day. After completing the story, Darren asked us if we know any animal sounds. Many of us raised our hands as we know so many different animal sounds. We all had a turn to make different sounds and ask our friends and teachers to guess what animal we were. We were lions, pigs, cats, dogs, snakes, elephants etc. Then he asked us if we can make a noise with our feet; and we stamped them. “Can you make a noise with your hands?” and we clapped them. “Can you make a noise with your mouth?” and we shouted and we sang songs. Then the really tricky part came. “Can you make a noise with your feet, hands and mouth al at the same time?” and we tried…………….
We sang “Where is Thumbkin?” and “Round and round the garden”. The second song we all sang and tried to do the actions on a friends hand. We started off with a partner and then we did it in a large group. We all then stood up and did “Hot Potato” and “Do the monkey” our all time favourites. Just before we went to the park, Darren asked us another question: “Can you put your school T-shirt on by yourself and we all tried. Some of us needed a little help from our teachers and some of us could do it all by ourselves.
It was a hot, happy day at Ohana.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Kana, Rachel and Miyuki