Friday Fitness
The rain came down while we were at school today so we couldn’t go to the park. We had our exercise with Minli doing Kidfit and learning how to take care of ourselves when we are with our friends or families in public. We need to always hold hands and listen to adults. Sometimes at school, we do not listen so well and our teachers get sad when this happens. Today we were not able to listen so well and our teachers say that sometimes we have these kinds of days. They seem to say the same things over and over to us but we don’t hear them so well……..we think our mums have these kinds of days with us too.
We spent the morning doing the number puzzle again. Tomo and Gento really enjoyed doing it; trying to count the pictures carefully and then getting help to find the correct numerical symbol. We played with the colourful animals and cups as well. We read books in the library and played with puzzles on the mat. We sat with our teachers and named the different objects on the puzzles. Clodia completed her gift for her family and she also made a heart for Tomo for his birthday next week. We drew pictures at the small activity table and put more pictures of our friend’s faces on our blocks.
Upstairs Isabelle, Jamie, Beckett and Oliver all completed their end of year gifts. The rest of us played with the trains during free play time. Kana read the book called “The Elephant child” to us. She used actions and we had to say
“I can see…………” We reread the book “You are much too small” as we loved seeing all the things that the pig couldn’t do and then we thought about the things that he could do. We looked through binoculars during the morning circle and said: “I can see………………” When we looked through the one end everyone looked so small; when we looked through the other end, everyone looked so big. We sang our “hello” song and then did actions to one of our favourite songs called the “Body Rap”. We also did one called “Freeze”. When the music stops, we have to freeze like a statue. We always laugh when we try to keep still…….
We played a game with colours on the mat too. Darren held up a marker and we had to find a flower or shape that was the same colour. We tried to do this very quickly and if we were the last one to find a colour, we then became one of the “judges” and looked to see who would be the next “judge” with us. We also had turns to choose which colour we wanted our friends to find.
We loved our lesson with Minli too and are really good at passing the ball to our partner while we stand inside a hoop; we can also walk along the edge of the hoop sideways and then go in the opposite direction. While we were waiting for our gymnastics class we played a game with a small ball. We all tried to catch the ball. On the table we played with a super bouncy ball and had to try to bounce it three times and the catch it too. Our teachers added more and more balls to the table and we had fun because they were bouncing all over the table. We tried to stop them from falling off the table onto the floor. We only have one more Friday left in this school year, after today and can’t believe that soon the year will be over. We are spending a lot of time on having fun doing the things that we can do…..and trying to do some of the things that are a little bit more challenging. Downstairs, sharing is one of the most challenging things for us and upstairs, writing our names clearly is something that we have been practicing a lot.
Love always Shelley, Darren, Goh, Sabine, Kana and Rachel