Chalk and Ice
At was another fun and messy art day today. We also welcomed Nile into summer school and after a hesitant first few minutes she settled in nicely, telling us her name during the name song and following the actions to our snack and lunch song. On our big group art project we use droppers to drip paint and paint brushes to
flick and splash paint onto the paper. At first we used gold and silver to drip and flick but it was hard to see against the beautiful colors so we changed to blue, green and black and it turned out amazing. At the park we had a
quick snack time and ran off to play with the cars, trucks and buckets. Some children had races with the cars on the flat areas and down the slopes next to the slide. It got a little hot so Darren got buckets of water and pretended to throw it at the children. They all ran away laughing.
Some children also used chalk at the top of the slide and suddenly a few caps and hats were hanging in the tree. It reminded the teachers of the book ‘Caps for Sale’ so we read it when we came back to school.
After story time we split into two groups and half the children did painting with the ice cube paints we made on Monday and the other half did chalk drawings on black paper. ”It’s melting”, “It’s cold” were some of the comments on the ice paint. The chalk drawings came out beautifully too as the children made quite detailed drawings.
It’s hard to say which was more enjoyable! All our Love, Darren, Ayaka and Sharee