Ice painting
We love the Colour Song so much we wanted to sing it over and over and again this morning. We looked at one another’s clothes and chose which friend was wearing white; which friend was wearing black etc. When we had chosen all of the colours, we stood together and started to sing the song. We know how to make a surprised face when we sing “Mrs. White got a fright” and we tried to do some of the other movements. This song is full of rhyming words which we love listening to as they make a musical sound in themselves.
One of our art activities that we did today, was a brand new one. Even some of our teachers had never done it before. Do you remember we spoke about the experiment that we did on Monday during circle time; when we filled ice trays with water and dropped food colouring into each one; we also added a coloured match stick to them. Well, today we took the ice trays out of the refrigerator and painted with them. We held the coloured matchsticks and watched as the colour in the ice blocks came onto our piece of paper. We used a variety of colours and then when we had finished our “ice painting”, Shelley sat with us and we spoke about the ice. We spoke about what we thought it was made from and how it became colourful. We also spoke about the water in the ice trays and where the water came from. We put all of the remaining coloured ice cubes into a large deep dish and added water to them. We watched as all of the colours mixed together and then we saw that the ice cubes became smaller and smaller. We
said that they disappeared. We also noticed that the coloured matchsticks were floating on the water. When we touched the water, it was soooooo cold. We really enjoyed doing this activity and wanted to do more and more.
The second activity was once again, adding to our large work in progress. Today we had black, dark blue, gold and silver paint to use on it. The paint consistency was watery so we were going to pour it onto the art work and then lift the paper up and let it drip all over the layered painting. We helped lift the paper up and we also watched when Hisami and Shelley lifted it up. We watched the paint creep along the painting like a snake.
During our second circle time, we spoke about artists and what they do. We thought about painting, drawing and making things with different kinds of materials. We looked at two books that are called “pop-up” books. One of them was “ABC of dinosaurs” and the second one was “Disney ABC”. We were amazed to see how the illustrations popped up, out of the book and almost came alive.
Tomorrow is our last day of “Ohana Artists” when we will be completing our large work in progress and making bubble paintings. We read another book with illustrations that were black, white and yellow and we were intrigued because it was the kind of story book, that inspires you to make your own story from the story.