A fun rainy day BlogadminMay 15, 2012international preschool, international preschool japan, japan preschool, preschool japanComment
My Hat! BlogadminApril 11, 2012happy birthday, International preschool Tokyo, international school Japan, japan preschool, preschool japan, preschool tokyoComment
Cocoons, eggs and other creatures BlogadminApril 10, 2012butterlies, caterpillars and other creatures, glitter, international school Japan, preschool japan, preschool tokyoComment
Caroline comes for tea with Sandie BlogadminFebruary 28, 2012international school Japan, ojikahanto, preschool japan, preschool tokyo, tokyo preschoolComment
I like me! BlogadminFebruary 27, 2012cold weather, I like me, international school Japan, matching colours, painting, preschool japan, preschool tokyo, tokyo preschoolComment
How much have we grown? BlogadminFebruary 20, 2012international school Japan, matching letters, preschool japan, preschool tokyo, tokyo preschoolComment
Love is in the air BlogadminFebruary 16, 2012international school tokyo, japan preschool, painting, preschool japan, rose coloured glassesComment
Hello February BlogadminFebruary 2, 2012dragons, firecrackers, international school Japan, japan preschool, love, preschool japan, sharingComment