Love is in the air
“Love is in the air, every time I look around”…………………
We are all so happy and filled with love each day at school and downstairs with Shelley and Goh, we gave one another love and kisses while we were sitting in our morning circle. We first sang “Love is something” and then “Hands up baby” and that is when we gave love to our friends and teachers. The words in the song say “Give me your heart, gimme gimme”. We loved the part where you put your hands up and then we all had a turn to catch love from everyone. We sang our “Hello” song and then Emily went to the activity table with Eva to do their pink hearts that they missed out on doing yesterday when we started this activity. They pasted on red hearts, a white doily heart and other pink, red and white collage materials. Their hearts are already hanging in the classroom alongside the window. We took off our sparkly decorations that we made at the end of the year and took photos of them for our Portfolios. Emily and Eva also made their ‘rose coloured’ glasses however when we were all ready to take a photo,
Eva preferred not to wear hers. We are looking forward to seeing Sophie tomorrow as she has been sick and we have missed having her with us in our classroom.
Other activities that we did today were threading, drawing and we had a fun time doing movement to music while listening to the Wiggles. We are trying to remember to pack away after we play with one toy; before we take out another. This is something that we are being reminded to do each day as we often are distracted by our friends and what they are doing. We then just leave one toy to go and play with another. Our teachers are helping us each day with this.
Upstairs, when we arrived at school we saw something hanging from the ceiling. It was a “hane” which is a feather attached to a small hard black ball. This activity was great for our eye hand co-ordination as we used the “hagoita” and hit the “hane” as it swung back on the string. It was so much fun as you can see from the photos. We had to watch the “hane” as it came towards us after we had hit it and then try to hit it again.
We did free style painting using brushes, rollers and sponges and each of us had a chance to tell our friends and teachers what we had painted. Nico painted Tokyo; Beckett painted his mum and dad; Jamie painted a fire and Oliver painted a sparkly cactus. We have wonderful imaginations which our teachers and friends really appreciate. Last week we made a group painting and today we added paper hearts, tissue paper and flowers to it. We attached the flowers to the sides using pipe cleaners and also added flowery origami to it. It feels like it could be a spring painting; most of us are looking forward to warmer weather which will mark the arrival of spring one day soon, we hope. Our story was called “I can be fair” which is about not leaving others out of games; taking turns and being kind to others. Our music time was so much fun as we did the “Body Rap” song and moved our bodies to the music while listening to the words.
Love Shelley, Kana, Marie, Goh and Darren