We had fun making more play dough today and looking at family pics
24 September – Daily Journal
It was a super fun, busy day today and we loved talking about our families.
Last week we did painting on the easel so this week we are doing painting on the table and it is interesting to see the differences. Several Buds also enjoyed lacing the cards. It’s a great manipulative activity for our Buds fingers and coordination.
Instead of story time today we looked at several Buds life books and everyone was so interested in each other’s families and life. “My turn” said Lanah as she wanted to show us her family.
Our play dough was getting a bit tired so we had fun making some new play dough. “What color should we make?” asked Sayaka. “Green” shouted Karl and as we had red and yellow play dough previously, everyone decided that was a good idea. Buds took turns to pour, mix and stir the ingredients. Buds are getting good at using two hands to pour and holding the bowl while stirring to maintain control of the utensils.
Buds were excited to see the town mat on the floor this morning. It has lots of roads so Buds quickly got out some cars and blocks to drive on the roads and make houses and towers.
In circle time Sharee got out a bag of blocks. There was a special surprise inside! “Who is this” asked Sharee and she held up a block with Kaia’s Mum’s face on it. When Kaia saw the block she had a big smile. We found her Papa and Kaia too so we made her family. We discovered in Buds’ class we all have a mother and father and some of us have brothers and sisters too. Faith had a turn next and when we held up her family she said “Mumma” and “Dada”. (We are working on some Buds saying their own name). Jonah was very happy to
have his turn too and proudly showed us his family, including his two sisters. We will continue will more block families tomorrow and Friday.
At the park we saw some Petals swinging on the bars so we wanted to have turns too. We are also learning that some Buds are faster or slower than others at going up steps and stairs so we should be considerate of others, sometimes going a bit slower than we want so that we don’t bump the next person.
We felt lucky that we could go to the park because we saw the rain clouds coming and we might not be able to go to the park tomorrow.
Have a good afternoon
Sharee and Sayaka