I dont like..........
This morning on the small table when we came into the classroom and did our morning jobs we spotted something sparkly on the table. When we looked closely we saw lots of shiny spinning tops.
There were several different sizes and it was great fun trying to spin them really fast.
On the main table there were paints and smocks set up along with some crayons and colored paper. When we asked the teachers what we could paint, they said “A self portrait”. First we drew our faces with a crayon and then started painting in the eyes, hair, ears and some of us did our necks and shoulders too. On the second table there was a word game set up with some boards and a spinner. To play the game we needed to use the spinner and taking turns we read the words it stopped on and if we got it correct we could
place a counter on the board in the correct place.
On the main carpet we saw there were lots of capital letter cards and four kinds of wooden shapes; a big line, a short line, a big curve, and a short curve. We could make any of the capital letters we wanted to and many of us made the first letters of our names using the wooden pieces on the cards. Kosei made his own picture using his favorite color blue. He used tape, sparkly shapes, cloth, markers and foam to make his own picture. After packing away the toys and having snack we went to the park. We were able to see all our friends and siblings from petals and buds classes too.
We were very lucky as a lady brought her dog along and we got to stroke it very carefully. We had to be very quiet and gentle with the dog but it was so friendly. After we got back from the park we read a book together all about showing respect
for others.
We came up with some great ideas about how we could show our respect for our friends, teachers and parents such as looking at the person who is talking to us, taking turns with speaking and playing games etc. We then got to tell the teachers all the things we don’t like for our all about me sheet. We had some great ideas including spiders, rainy days, cockroaches, natto, green pepper, and dirty hands. We then moved to the tables and carefully wrote them on our own sheets. Have a great afternoon.
All our love, Darren, Ayaka and Nanako