a day of different weather
Today we had snack time in the park because our teachers wanted to take advantage of the weather. The weather forecast for the next few days is rain so it was lovely to be out and about; eating on our lovely new picnic mat that Liezel brought for us from the Philippines and having a change of scenery for this routine. We played in the park afterwards and enjoyed having had some time to play just with our Petals friends and then the Buds and Flowers afterwards.
Some of us wanted to sit at the picnic table and the rest of us sat on the picnic mat.
When we arrived at school we saw a variety of natural things on one of the tables. Together with them were our leaves that we had painted
the other day. We each had a sticky sheet of paper and our task was to put the leaves and other items from nature, and place them on the sticky contact sheet. It was really tricky as our hands kept on sticking to the sheet and when we put our other hand on it, it also got stuck. We made beautiful pictures which we then pasted directly into our workbook/portfolios. Some of the things that we put on the contact were leaves, painted leaves, plants, nekko jarashi, and twigs.
Shelley continued weaving with us and today Alexis, Koh and Vincent helped and made a lot of progress. We are thinking of using something different tomorrow; maybe some fabric or thread that is different in texture.
We had a free drawing activity using recycled pieces of paper, scissors, glue, markers and other writing tools. We could make whatever we wanted to. Alexis found a really large flower and when Lucinda came to sit with her, she asked Alexis if she could make a flower for her; and she did. Miyu drew something and cut it out and Vincent enjoyed using one of the pinking
shears that makes different patterns when you cut.
We had a very challenging puzzle to do today. The pieces are not regular in shape at all and when you join them together, they become an animal. Each letter has a letter of the alphabet on it so you need to do it sequentially. Tomorrow we will try to do it again and follow and alphabet chart so that we know what letter comes next.
We changed our calendar and all of us were the weather people today. It was quite strange because when we came to school it was sunny and as the day progressed it became cloudier until at the end of the day, it started to rain.
When we came back from the park we played a new game. You sit on a chair and hide something small in your hand and then you close both hands really tight. This is the poem that Shelley taught us that goes with this game:
1, 2, 3, I am me
And I have two eyes that see
And I have my teeth that bite
Is it left or is it right.
We are trying to learn our right and left and when our teachers do something in front of us, they
mirror the hands for us. When you say the last line of the poem, you lift each hand up so that people can look at your hands carefully to see which hand it is….left or right. Shelley hid a marble in her hand and we had to guess if it was left or right. Then she made the marble disappear and we had no idea where it went. We thought that it was in her pockets but no; we thought that it was in her hand but no; she had a few tricky places where she hid it. Tomorrow we will start to have
turns to learn how to differentiate our left from our right.
Thanks for a fun day at school.
Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel.