Our visit to see Noa
This morning we enjoyed ourselves so much. We had some new activities on the table as well as on the carpet area which we all got involved in. There were some magnet shapes which when put together created a castle on the small table. Nile and Ava used the stick construction toys with a little help and made a giraffe.
Eito, Ethan and Adam used the pyramid blocks which are always popular.
There was a new game on the table which Riko, Marc and Arata wanted to play. Each of them chose a cardboard picture with holes to place colored counters. There were also two dice, one with colors on it and the second with numbered dots on it. They had to take turns throwing the dice and then pick up the correct
number of colored counters to place on their picture. They worked together really well and although they had a good time we were unable to complete the cards unfortunately as we needed to go to the park earlier today.
We had arranged to see Noa who has been off this morning and so we soon packed away and took our snack to Amishiro Park with us. When we got there the sun came out and we had a picnic snack under the trees with our friends. We enjoyed the two different slides, the climbing frame and the see-saw together.
It was soon time to go to Noa’s mothers shop nearby and we all walked together on the rope. It was great to see Noa. Michiru had prepared some drinks and snacks for all of us to enjoy with Noa and she looked so happy. We all gathered around and were so lucky that Michiru gave all of us a gift bracelet each.
We took a group photo with Noa and all our friends together in the shop and finally gave Noa a big hug each before leaving. When we got back to the school we were all very hot and had a short circle time. We had a special activity where we all had to place our hands on the plaster hands we each made to see if we could identify our own hands by placing them carefully on the plaster casts we made over the last few weeks.
Some of the time we could see that the casts weren’t of our hands as they were too big or too small. Next to each hand was a covered name and so we guessed our hands and then uncovered the names to see if we were right or not.
Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.
All our Love, Darren, Ayaka and Nanako