Happy birthday Daiki

Happy birthday Daiki! We celebrated Daiki’s birthday today and he was really lucky because he is the only one in the class who has a birthday in September. His mum, Yaeko san, came to celebrate with us which was lovely and we all sang and danced together. We started off by singing “When you’re happy and you know it” and chose to jump, skip, hop, clap, shout ‘happy birthday’ and whisper ‘happy birthday’. We also sang the song “I wonder where the crown is…..” because we thought that Daiki needed a crown to look like the birthday king. Lilian found the ???????????????????????????????crown and put it on his head. Many of us wanted to give Daiki his present and in the end Miyu chan gave it to him. Luka, Lilian and Alexis gave him a birthday hug.

We sang “How old are you now” and “Four little candles”. Then Yaeko san showed us that she had bought our class a gift in honour of Daiki’s birthday. It was a book called “I like me”. It was such a beautiful story, our teachers were moved by it and thought that it was a really ???????????????????????????????beautiful choice of story. Daiki’s mum read it to us. It was all about loving ourselves; loving our tiny feet, our big tummies, our brown hair, our curly hair……whatever we have. We will read it again and put it in our library so that we can read it to one another or by ourselves. Accepting who we are is a big challenge for many people in life and if we can be supported and loved from an early age, we will be well equipped to do this in our lives.

Daiki blew three candles out and when we sat at the table for snack time, we noticed that there were many small containers filled with a variety of fruit. We were ???????????????????????????????once again so happy to have a healthy birthday snack, we ate all the fruit up and for those of us who didn’t really like the pineapple, there was always someone who did. We want to say a huge thank you to Yaeko san for the healthy snack and for giving our class such a great book for our library. Arigatou gozaimashita!

Today Michaela brought her beautiful “Life Book” to school. We loved looking at her photos and seeing how she looked when she was a ???????????????????????????????baby; the joy on her mum and dad’s faces; her having fun playing with water and being with her family in New Zealand and Japan. We are still waiting on some of our friends “Life Books” and can’t wait to see them.

During the early part of the morning, we did some origami with Hisami and made pianos, chairs, boats and our own shapes and things. We also made envelopes so that all of our creations could be kept safe inside our backpacks. We did free drawing and cutting using markers, sparkly pens, coloured pencils and pencils. We wanted to cut out some of the things that we had drawn and placed them inside the envelopes; in our bags.

???????????????????????????????Michaela was the weather person today and once again we decided that it was both sunny and cloudy today; we took the sunny picture and word out of the bag and placed it on the chart. We clapped and counted the numbers all the way up to 19 because today is the 19th September; and it is Friday. We all sang the words to the song “Hello all the children, ohayo gozaimasu” and then we found our names and placed them on the magnet board to say “I am here today….”

We played a fun game on the mat when we returned from the park. We did some breathing exercises and used our entire body for this. We curled up into a ball on the mat and then sat up still curled into a ball. We uncurled our bodies and breathed in and then??????????????????????????????? collapsed into a ball again; we breathed in again and then collapsed into a ball again. We did this a few times and then we did this with our hands. We made a fist, then opened it up slowly while breathing in and then curled our fingers into a ball and at the same time, breathed out. Shelley asked us what we do with a ball. We said that you can kick ???????????????????????????????it, roll it, throw it, and bounce it. So we lay on our backs still trying to look like a ball and we rolled from side to side. We laughed when doing this. We played a number game, building with number cubes and matching them to their numerical value.

Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel.
