A wonderful day to end a great week!

19 September – Daily Journal

??????????What a lovely busy morning we had! Some buds did their yellow collages. Usually if someone is away we don’t do ‘catch up’ art but because we want to make a color book for over the whole year, we brought out the yellow collage materials again and now everyone has a yellow color page.

There was also a long colorful piece of card on the table today. Buds quickly chose markers and crayons?????????? to draw and decorate it. It will part of a surprise for early next month.

Since we had the easel out the last few days, we wanted to make the most of it today too. Buds had fun drawing with markers on one side; they enjoyed ??????????wiping their drawings off and drawing again and wiping it off and drawing again. On the other side we had a large piece of sticky contact paper and Buds stuck pom poms and ice block sticks on it making a beautiful picture. It was fun pulling items off and putting them back on. The stickiness of the paper made it a great sensory experience too.

In circle time our favorite song today was ‘The Monkey Dance’ with our Buds making monkey noises, ??????????tiger sounds and making their arms into elephant trunks.

We talked about our feelings today and decided some things that make us happy; dancing at school, playing with our friends, and we talked about some things that make us sad; saying goodbye to mummy, ??????????dropping ice cream on the floor and what makes us made; if someone bumps into us and doesn’t say sorry. Some Buds are really good at making happy, sad and mad faces.

Wow, are Buds are so good at sitting in a circle and doing finger plays before we get up and dance!

Karl was reading and singing Brown Bear with Sayaka this morning so at story time we read this and ‘I ??????????Like it When…’ (You hold my hand, play with me etc)

On the way to the park a large butterfly stopped and danced above our heads so we sang the Japanese song ‘Chou Chou’. At the park Buds were playing hiding and seek with Petals, trying to climb the ??????????climbing equipment, borrowing sand toys are other groups and going on the slides – phew we are so busy at the park!

When we come back from the park we often lie on our backs with our hands up and sing ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ as this gives us a moment to relax and it’s fun to imagine our hands in the air are stars. As soon as Sharee gets out the song box everyone quickly sits in the circle because they want to choose a song. Buds are great at waiting their turn to choose a song.??????????

Have a great weekend

Sharee and Sayaka
