Emergency Drill and Show & Tell

This morning we had a great time in the play area and dress up corner. Tokutaro dressed up like a musketeer with a police hat while Olivia and Ava couldn’t decide easily who would have the chance to wear the mermaid costume. They knew they could share but the question was who would get the chance to go first. DSCF9112To solve this we rolled a dice and whichever one of them rolled the highest number would go first. Olivia got a three while Ava rolled a one. Jennifer joined in and decided on wearing the snow white costume. Adam found it really funny to try on different hats and especially liked the ‘Kung-Fu’ hat with a long braided pony tail. DSCF9114Nile and Olivia then saw the kapla wooden blocks and together they built a tower. Eito and Kosei spent their time enjoying playing with the wooden marble tracks and Goh San helped them make a long track with the pieces. After having our snack today we had our monthly fire and earthquake drill. We started off on the carpet area and talked about how we needed to protect our heads the most and one of the safest places would be under the table. DSCF9119We also needed to open the doors and windows so that we wouldn’t be trapped inside. If there was a fire we would need to cover our mouths and call out “Fire, Fire” so that our friends and teachers would hear us. We also knew that we couldn’t use the elevator if there was an earthquake or a fire. We all left the classroom carefully and went down the stairs without rushing or pushing. Wow, we did a good job. The park was nice and warm and we managed to see our friends and siblings form buds and petals class. DSCF9125When we returned to the classroom we had a special event, yes Marc’s ‘Show and Tell’. Marc had brought along a book titled ‘Lego-Legends of Chima’ and a cardboard shield that he made with his father with a crocodile face picture on the front. Marc got really excited and told all his friends about his favorite page in the book, his favorite character and where he got the book from. DSCF9135He answered the questions really well and all his friends clapped and said “Thank you” to Marc for bringing something special to show and tell. In circle time we sang a skeleton song titled ‘Your head bones connected to your…..bone’. They really enjoyed this and we sang it twice. After the song we together built a life size skeleton from x-rays. All the x-ray pieces fit together to make one large x-ray skeleton. DSCF9138It turned out that none of the children present had broken a bone that they could remember and neither had the teachers except Darren who had broken many bones in the past. DSCF9148Luckily our bodies repair themselves as Tokutaro and Olivia told their teachers how their bodies are fixing themselves and are almost completely better. Have a great afternoon. All our Love, Darren, Ayaka and Goh
