We love painting!

17 September - Daily Journal

??????????Each day we put out new or different toys to previous so Buds are always exploring and learning in new ways. Several Buds liked stacking up the flower blocks and were interested in the blocks that had small balls inside them. Some Buds can count how many in their towers.

Buds are getting to know the classroom well and after painting or playing with blocks or being busy cooking and making snacks for their teachers and friends, Buds will often sit down to read a book by ??????????themselves, share one with a friend or get the teachers to read one or two or three….

Buds were so excited to see the easel and paint out today. It was the first thing that several Buds did after their morning jobs. When we paint on the easel it is a different experience than painting on a flat surface. We use more gross motor skills and we have to try and wipe the paint brush on the side of the paint ??????????container so there is not too much paint on the brush, otherwise it drips. (Which is a nice effect in itself but today we wanted to encourage less drips).

In circle time today we made some more faces. Happy, mad and sad are the easiest faces to make. We also liked yawning and stretching our arms when we feel sleepy. We sat down to sing ‘If You’re Happy ??????????and You Know it’ and we patted our toes, stomped our feet, tickled our friends and rolled our arms. Being happy is the best feeling!

After snack today we looked at our weather chart and decided it is sunny and ??????????cloudy. Should we wear our hats today?...Hmmm, we decided it’s a good idea because when it’s sunny and cloudy sometimes the sun is hiding behind the clouds but sometimes the sun comes out and it’s hot on our faces.

When we arrived at the park this morning there was a big rubbish truck. What’s it for we wondered. Then we saw a man in a tree cutting down branches so we knew that the branches were going into the rubbish truck. When we started playing we were a little unsure of what to do first today because we were?????????? the only people at the park. It didn’t take long for us to start playing chasing games, going up and down ??????????the slides and collecting leaves. We had fun watering our plants too.

Thank you

Sharee and Sayaka
