Our new weather chart

We thought that today would be a rainy day however little did we know how hard it would rain in the late afternoon, when we were not at school. We all went to the park together which made the park look like it was filled with huge red flowers; which in actual fact, was all of us in our red park smocks. With the warm sunshine out in full force, we mixed sand and water in the sandbox and climbed ; ran; chased and did all the things that children do when they have the opportunity to move their bodies and have the freedom of space to do this in.

???????????????????????????????We spent the morning pounding, smelling, rolling and pretending to eat the play dough which in fact is edible. It is made from flour, salt, water, crème of tartar and the colour that it has is because Nanako used whole meal flower to make it. It has the smell of sunflower seeds because we added some to the play dough when we used it before. Many of our activities that we have been doing lately have made us a lot more aware of our senses and today we smelled the play dough a lot; and liked the natural smell of it.

At the activity tables, we did the last of our “Otsukimi” pictures and Hisami once again read the ??????????????????????book about all the funny things that could come out of the moon. Shelley then took another book that had some interesting pictures in it. It was called “If….” All of the pictures were about extremely improbable things however when you let your imagination go, maybe some of these things could actually happen. The one that Shelley liked the least was “If mice were hair……” There were thoughts like “If music could be held….” “If frogs ate rainbows….” “If dogs were ???????????????????????????????mountains….” “If leaves were fish…..” and lots more. We will look at the book many more times and maybe try to think of our own improbably thoughts and ideas.

We sat down for our morning circle time and looked towards Shelley’s computer and saw someone sitting there. When she asked us who it is, we were not sure, so we asked her if we could go and have a look. Oh oh! It was our person that we made yesterday. It was sitting at her desk just like she does when she works on the computer. We came back to sit on the mat and told her who it was! We all laughed and Alexis told us that it was the person without a head. Tomorrow we are hoping to start making the head if we can get one more ??????????????????????pair of stockings.

Vincent knows exactly where our pointer finger is and today he took charge of our new calendar, just like the weather man does on television. He pointed to the words on each line. The words tell us, what day it is, what the date is and what the weather is. Today we read was Wednesday, 10th September; it is a cloudy day. We have pictures of different types of weather e. g. rainy, cloudy, stormy, snowy, sunny and cloudy and, if it is both sunny and cloudy, we can put both ???????????????????????????????pictures with both words up. There are seven days of the week, 31 possibly dates in a month, 12 months in the year and we have six options for the weather. We sang “There are seven days in a week” and also sang our good morning song. We counted the number of children who were in our class today and we went around the room, saying the numbers consecutively. We counted 12 children in our class. Darren happened to have 12 butterflies that his class made out of plaster of Paris. We will use them for an activity tomorrow and paint them and decorate them.

At our activity tables, we forgot to mention that we also did drawing and at the small tables, we did another jigsaw puzzle, and played “Spotty Dogs”.

Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel.
