Buds enjoyed the sensory table, dress ups and making collages today


11 September – Daily Journal

??????????The rain didn’t stop us from having lots of fun in Buds class today!

Yellow, yellow, yellow! On the art table today some Buds did their yellow collage. There were a lot of yellow items to choose from and Buds could stick as few or as many as they liked on the paper.??????????

It was a dress up kind of day today! We had two Spiderman boys, Robin Hood, a princess and a bejeweled king. We were happy to use the sensory table again today with colored rice and rosemary giving off a lovely smell. Again we used all our senses except taste ??????????for this activity. Later on we tipped out the rice and put some coffee in the tray with some purple play dough. We used our noses to smell the coffee and suggested perhaps Buds smell this smell from Mummy or Daddy’s drink sometimes. Buds used their fingers to mix the coffee into the dough. It was only lightly ground so the texture was interesting on our fingers as we mixed the dough and coffee together and before we knew it,?????????? the play dough had turned brown.

We looked at a lovely illustrated book about the rain today and made up a story to go with the pictures. Buds wanted another story so we read and Eric Carle book about guessing what sound the animals make. ??????????All our Buds had fun making sounds with the dog and monkey being the most popular (noisy!)

After snack today we took turns to pour milk into containers so that we can freeze it and use for cooking tomorrow.??????????

In circle time after we tapped our fingers to the music we chose musical instruments and stood up and marched around the circle. Actually we could keep a good rhythm.

??????????Touch your nose! All our Buds quickly touched their nose and when we made the face puzzle put all the pieces in the right place. Well done Buds! What are our noses for wondered the teachers. With a few big hints we worked out our nose is for smelling and we smelled a couple of items in small containers. The chocolate cocoa smelt good Buds decided but some were not sure about the basil. It reminds us of pizza or pasta so it got the vote of the teachers!

 The rain stopped us going to the park which gave us some time to do some fun exercise in the classroom. After Buds helped us move the cushions into the middle of the room we played an action game. Buds?????????? jumped, run, skipped, took giant elephants step and more, while we listened to music. When the music stopped we ran and stood on the cushions. We wanted to play one more game so we spread yellow items along the wall and took turns to run and collect them and put them in the basket.

????????????????????We used our song box for the first time today. We put some songs on the floor and Buds took turns to choose which song that we should sing. It’s good for Buds to feel they are in control and be the leader.

 Thank you

Sharee and Sayaka



