Our family in the classroom

Barnaby Baker’s Cake Shop. This was the name of the story that we read today. It was all about a little village with a Pet Shop, Toy Shop, Book Shop, Baker, Magic Shop and a Hotel. The story focused on the baker whose name was Barnaby. He was making a birthday cake but had some troubles along the way; his baking bowl broke and he had no more eggs. Two little girls Emma ???????????????????????????????and Allie, stepped into his world by going through the mirror and they ended up helping him bake a cake. Straight away we wanted to bake too and we thought about baking pancakes. Maybe our teachers will let us bake something during November so that we can be just like ??????????????????????Emma and Allie. We sang a song about people with different professions. We thought about each one and what they would do. The baker would bake a cake; the painter would paint a house; the bus driver would drive the bus; the mail person would bring the mail; the policeman would stand up straight; the fireman would put out the fire; the pet shop person would wash the dog etc. We did actions to the song as we sang it.

???????????????????????????????During the morning, we completed our “chitose-ame” bags and have two more, one for Mika and one for Giorgia who will return to school next week. Giorgia will be coming back from a long time in Italy and Mika will be returning from her holiday in Brooklyn with her grandparents. We are so excited that they will be coming back to school and can’t wait to see them.

On the sample of our “chitose-ame” bags, the children have clothes made out of origami. Hisami had a great idea and she made the ???????????????????????????????kimono part using newspaper and it became enormous. They were almost the right size for us to actually wear them. Daiki, Alexis and Luka decorated the front panel of their ones and we will all have the opportunity to make one and decorate it, next week. We are now able to follow about 5 instructions given to us in our class. This is quite a lot but, they are usually given to us on a regular basis, so all the things are easy to memorise. When we are standing in the line to wash our hands for snack or lunch time, we know that we must wash our hands (1), dry our hands (2), Look for our placemats (3), put them on the table (4), find our drink bottle (5) and if we have cutlery, place our cutlery on the table too (6) which actually makes six ???????????????????????????????things. If we have our own lunch, that is number seven. Phew!

Guess who came into our classroom this morning to play? Yes, it was Vincent’s brother, Charlie. It was so lovely for us to have one of our mums and siblings in the classroom with us to play for a short while. Usually, our mums, dads or helpers just drop us or pick us up at the door. It was great fun and we loved watching Charlie trying to walk all by himself. Vincent looked quite cool in his mum’s glasses. We were ??????????????????????glad that Taiyo was back at school today, because he was feeling sick yesterday at lunch time. The one thing that our teachers love the most is when we help one another. Today, Daiki helped Taiyo go up the stairs when we came back from the park. Thanks Daiki kun for your beautiful heart and kindness! We spent some time in the office using the stencils and writing.

Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel.
