Red car, red car, what do you see?

10 November – Daily Journal

??????????On the art table Buds saw their 7-5-3 bags. We hadn’t finished them last week so today we finished them off. Sharee held up Buds’ photos and asked who each Bud was. Buds quickly called out their ??????????friends names and then stuck their face on the kimono dressed boy or girl on the front of the bag. “Who’s a boy” we asked and Karl put up his hand. When it was time for the girls to put up their hand, the teachers and all the girls, some with a little encouragement, put up their hand. Buds were wondering why their white handprints were on their bags. We showed them a picture of how the hand print can turn into a bird called a crane. Lanah and Hana colored the feathers and drew legs, an eye and ??????????beak by themselves and the rest of the Buds did it with some teachers help. Usually the teachers don’t touch the children’s art ??????????but this was for their special bag so we helped.

In circle time today we stuck the brown objects on our color board. Some Buds know the color brown and some are learning. We also stuck stickers on the bands of the birthday hats for tomorrow. Peeling the stickers takes ??????????lots of concentration and it is so fun.

Time to get moving! We had a fun gym class with Tanaka sensei. We had a fun new activity to do today – rolling. Koro koro koro. ??????????One at a time Buds lay down on the mat and rolled over several times to get to the end. At first some Buds were very cautious about it but by the end of the second time they were rolling with a smile. We also played a new game where we walked around the ??????????mats and when the whistle was blown, we had to quickly sit on the mats with our legs out.

We read a book about some animals putting on their clothes but the bird kept getting his clothes mixed up. Buds thought it was funny to?????????? see his trousers on his head. We also did a transportation story to ‘Brown bird, brown bird, what do you see’ and Buds helped sing as we lined up red cars, orange trucks, white ??????????ambulances and a silver helicopter. Once we had lined them all up Buds took one each and sang their part of the song. Only some Buds needed the teachers help.

At the park Some Buds were busy in the sand and dirt. Sayaka asked Karl what he was making and he said “I’m making a birthday?????????? cake for Lilly”. When Sayaka then asked what he needs for a birthday party he said, “Cake and candles”.

Thank you

Sharee and Sayaka
