Having fun with our friends

7 November – Daily Journal

??????????It was a lovely sunny day and we had a lovely time with the children exploring during free play and making great art. Buds were very relaxed today as they moved around finding toys they hadn’t played?????????? with for a while and having renewed interest in them. Kaia was busy stacking the circles, something she used to do every day in September. Karl had his favorite animals out and liked to walk them over the shelves. Hana and Lanah were adorned with necklaces at one stage.

??????????It’s nice to take some time to chill out in the friendship corner sometimes. We don’t let too many toys in there and Buds enjoy looking at themselves in the mirror, lying ??????????down and cuddling the giant soft toys.

On the art table were the colors of autumn. Lots of paints and the plastic mat we cover the table with looks so pretty too. In a way it will be a ??????????shame to give it a good wash at the end of the day. Some Buds painted leaves for the first time enjoying mixing the colors and making various shades of brown, green and yellow. The red seemed to disappear quickly into?????????? a brown.??????????

7-5-3 is coming up soon so some Buds made the bags that the children receive to put their special ‘chitose ame’ candy.

??????????In circle time we passed around a leaf and Buds held it as it was their turn to sing. “Sofie came to school today” sang Sofie proudly. ??????????When we were dancing Buds wanted to hold hands and dance so that’s what we did, dancing and holding hands in big groups or small. We also did ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ in pairs with one Bud being the water spout and the other being the ??????????spider. It’s great to see the good teamwork Buds had.

We took the parachute to the park today and after Buds had collected lots of leaves and put them on the parachute, we shook the parachute fast and the leaves were jumping around. Maybe we shook it too fast because the leaves fell off quickly. (And it was a little windy) We put some leaves back on and shook the parachute fast and slow. Buds really wanted to go under the parachute so the teachers held it as Buds had fun watching the parachute float up and down above them.

Have a great weekend

Sharee, Sayaka and Leizel
