Alexis does Show and Tell
Mika completed her “Salad Spinner” art and made an interesting design on her paper plate. We are still thinking about what we can do with them and will keep you all posted, so you know what to expect. We did say yesterday that maybe we will just use them as they are as they are beautiful art works, the way they are.
We had a free activity table, filled with drawing utensils, scissors and interesting collage papers. We cut and drew and pasted and then when we saw Hisami using a ruler, we wanted to use the stencils with shapes inside them. We straight away taught ourselves how to use the stencils and make
designs on our paper.
You can see from the photo who our weather person was today. Yes, you guessed it. It was Daiki. We learnt that today is Thursday and we chose cloudy for the weather. We heard that another typhoon is coming and we hope that it will blow itself far away from Tokyo so that our Sports Day is sunny.
Our activities kept us busy during the morning. We started off by making little ghosts out of white tissue paper. We first squeezed some newspaper into a ball to make a round shape for the head and then we covered it with white tissue paper. We twisted a sparkly pipe cleaner around the ball so secure it and then we added eyes and some other decorations. We wanted to make our ghosts look pretty. Mika glued many eyes onto her ghost and Alexis put some hair clips on hers. When we did our second circle time, after Show and Tell, we sang a new song, similar to our “Five little leaves” one. It goes like this:
“Five little ghosts so scary and white
Dancing about on Halloween night;
Mr. Wind came in from town and whoooooooo!
One little ghost went out of sight”.
We had fun holding the ghosts and making them dance as our friends and teachers sang the words. Then we hid our ghost when it was our turn. Each time we counted how many were left until there were no ghosts.
We forgot to tell you that we practiced the egg and spoon race in our classroom using spoons and rubber balls. We think that the rubber balls will be a lot more secure than the plastic eggs. We walked around the table slowly trying to balance them in the spoons and it worked. We also had a large floor puzzle to do, during free play. It had a wonderful picture of animals on it. Miyu was very keen to do it all by herself but some of us wanted to help her.
We played many games with our teachers during free play and in our circle times. We each took an ice cream and counted the dots and then told all of our friends how many we had. We looked for the correct number to match the number of dots that we had counted. We played a game with the initial sounds of our names. We took the Alphabet puzzle and tried to find, which letter was the one that corresponded with the first letter in our names. Some of us knew the letter immediately and some of us looked at our flashcards as a reference.
Hisami has some fabulous pictures of things that you find when it is Halloween. Yesterday she had a large spider and a small spider and today she had a picture of a witch, a bat, a spider, a ghost and a pumpkin. She covered the pictures and slowly, slowly she showed us a little more and a little more until we could guess. We were so excited when we knew what the pictures were and shouted with joy. Then she showed us the pictures one more time and asked us to close our eyes. When we opened them we had to try to work out which one was missing.
It was a “Thinking Thursday” today filled with lots of new things to do and think about. We look forward to seeing our friends and teachers tomorrow for “Fast moving Friday”. It really will be a moving Friday because the office is moving upstairs………hip hip hooray!
Love always Shelley, Hisami and Liezel.