It's a Day About South Africa!

Happy Friday!

For our international months celebration, we “went on a trip” to SOUTH AFRICA! Flowers room was a little different today. When we stepped in, we saw videos of animals projected on the wall. It was amazing to watch the huge animals moving in what seems to be their home!

Do you know who is from South Africa? Thank you so much, Shelley for sharing and showing us pictures of the animals found in South Africa.

We enjoyed making animals with our hand prints! You could imagine our excitement as we turned our hand prints into animals by adding materials and cutouts. If not busy with the crafts, we enjoyed playing a new matching game where pictures are not the same but have details that are similar! All the cards were faces so we took the challenge of watching out for details! LEGO, puzzles, and building patterns with cubes made us busy and we loved playing with each of them!

After the morning free play and crafts, Shelley shared a story called Anansi the Spider by Gerald McDermott. It’s a beautiful story from Ghana! Let’s see who can share with mom and dad what Anansi and his six brave sons did😊 Before ending our “trip” to South Africa, Shelley taught us a dance which made us really giggled! It was a fun song and easy to remember!


In our circle today, we talked about a part of what we are planning to do for Mom’s Day party. We looked at some numbers from 100 to 600 points. Each question has its corresponding points. The bigger the number, the bigger the points! Which one would you choose? Can you guess what we are going to have on our Mom’s Day?

To our dear amazing moms, we can’t wait to have you for another fun event!

Have a wonderful weekend!

 Lots of love,

Flowers XOXO