Australia Day
Happy Friday friends! We had an exciting day at school today! We started the day with crafts, playing with animal toys and Whacky Bracelets.
We practiced for Mother’s Day after morning free play. We are getting really good at singing, we cannot wait to show our mommies. After rehearsal, we had circle time. Like yesterday, we talked about Celebrations and Festivals around the world!
J : Fireworks
R : Dad’s Day. Skeleton one!
E : Skeleton one from Mexico! Festival!
D : Celebration!
M : D’s from Korea!
J : I’m from Korea ,too!
J : Me!
Esmi : This is in China, what do you think it is? A festival or celebration?
P : It’s a festival! Lion dance!
S : It’s a festival!
S : Lion dance…
M : I like the lion’s color. I like all of them.
D : I like the red one.
Esmi : What about this picture?
S : Happy Birthday!
J : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…
J : 5! Celebration!
M : Holi. Festival..
M : My brother like the rainbow color.
Esmi : What about this one?
J : 1,2,3,4,5,6
I : Celebration.
W : Menorah.
Esmi : Okay, last one. Is this a festival or celebration?
N : Festival. Yellow.
Y : blue.
Y : …
Before Tamara came, we had story time with Esmi. We read “I See a Kookaburra!” by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page.
S : Fox
E : That one has eyes and it has orange. It’s a snake.
P : Leaf. orange.
J : I see a crab!
M : I see sharp!
P : Penguin!
E : Haeda. You can open it and eat it. (inside) orange and sometimes yellow.
Esmi : It’s a sea urchin in English. Sea urchin.
Petals : Sea urchin!
During story time, Tamara came! We were so excited for her lesson about Australia. We learned about animals in Australia, where Tamara is from and famous places to visit.
R : Where is your flag?
E : *Points* Australia!
M : I’m from here. Beijing!
R : It looks the same. What is the white one?
Tamara : Sydney Opera House.
R : Do you use a ship?
Tamara : No, we use the stairs.
S : Beach!
Tamara told us to put our hands in the bag to guess what is inside.
M : dinosaur!
J : dinosaur!
R : Elephant.
M : eyes
P : Giraffe
Tamara : Its a platypus, wombat, dingo, snake, emu, a Tasmanian devil!
Tamara finished off her international month activity with a story and craft. We went to the park and had lunch. Thank you for another fun-filled week! Have a great weekend and we will see you all again Monday!