Chinese New Year's Eve

Tuesday, January 28th- Chinese New Year’s Eve!

Good morning Buds fam!

Today we want to send a big warm thank you to our sweet friend Y as she has gifted her friends and teachers lovely treats that are decorated with beautifully golden snake adorned envelopes to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year! Thank you so much Y and family! We look forward to distributing them during our Chinese New Year event this Friday!

At the front table today, we discovered there were many sea shells, colorful pasta and wooden sticks waiting for us! L and L teamed up to try picking them up with the grabbers and then discovered it was even more of a challenge to pass pasta back and forth to one another. They both giggled and shared their purple grabbers with K who then also gave a crack at picking up some sea shells!

N came over and installed some new eco style seating onto his mega block car! H watched and then joined him by passing more sticks and trying to stack them on end. N brought a colander to L and they both filled it with pasta!

On top of the back table was a new creation, BLUE play doh! L immediately went to grab a handful with L and S. They worked on stamping shapes out of the clay together, using cookie cutters and stamp rollers! Everyone’s hands and fingers got a strong workout today!

Once we tidied up and sat down for circle time, we sang our good morning song and introduced ourselves with a big voice. Y said her name with a big voice and inspired her friend L to be brave and say her name too! Way to go, friends! Today we read H’s life book together and he pointed to his mom and dad! He had a smile from ear to ear as he saw all his family members. We even talked about another special family member, our grandmas! We learned that grandmas are the very special mommies of our mommy!

After our introductions were wrapped up, we then were given colorful paper from the teachers and practiced ripping them into smaller pieces. Brandon showed us how to roll these pieces into balls for preparation on tossing them to ONI! It was lots of fun and we laughed because this ONI was very silly. We also practiced tossing the new paper balls at an ONI figure taped to the board. N even had a go at tossing paper with a big smile! 

Thank you all so much for today and have a lovely evening! 

