Who Are in my Family?
Happy Tuesday! Our terrific Tuesday started with fun table activities such as making words with letter foams and building community using picture tiles. We had lots of fun playing in our kitchen area. Playing with colored blocks was fun, too!
As we continued talking about families, we reflected about what we learned so far. Before we answered today’s Question of the Day (Is your family big?), we tried to describe what we think a family is.
Mi: A family is your…oh I forgot!
Re: Family is like mommy, daddy, and sometimes baby, and sometimes pet.
We were not quite sure yet who belongs to our family. While we were thinking about this, Vieda showed us some photos. We raised both of our hands when we thought the picture that we saw could be called a family and put our arms across our shoulders when we thought they were not. This activity gave us an opportunity to express what a family looks like.
Mi: This is not a family because my daddy hige (moustache) but it’s not my daddy.
Ri: (Not a family) because it does not have a daddy.
Re: Family is sometimes just mommy and kid. It’s still a family.
Ma: It’s a family because everyone’s in the photo. Dad and mom and kids are in the photo.
Oj: Daddy and daddy is playing. He’s a friend.
Ma: Sometimes they have two daddies and two mommies.
Ri: My mommy said, “even two mommies can be a family”.
Re: No mommy but one girl, so it’s a family.
Ri: Grandma is family.
Ty: I think they live so far away.
Sh: But my brothers are in Israel but they’re still my family.
(Looking at a photo of a large extended family)
Zo: No mom and no dad. (so, it cannot be called a family).
Ri: It’s a school, not a family.
Yu: No, it’s not a family because it’s an international school. They don’t look like each other.
Thank you for sharing your ideas. Based on this activity, some of this think of a family as a group of people that are comprised of:
· A mom, dad, brother, or sister
· Grandparents and pets can be in the family, too.
· At least one girl (it can be a mom or a sister)
· Two mommies or two daddies
· Family members can live far from us
· Family cannot be big in number. It will look like a school. It will look like an international school because they don’t look like each other.
After our interesting discussion, we divided our class into three groups and counted who are in our families. We put them into a graph and used stickers to mark who we have in our families. We are excited to see the differences and similarities of the families we have in Flowers soon!
Have a lovely evening!
Flowers XOXO