What Does Angry Look Like?

Friday, September 27th - What Does Angry Look Like?

Happy Friday buds fam!

 The rain kept us inside but spirits were high!

At the front activity table this morning, we sculpted with a new RED color play doh! L and S were very interested in stamping out different shapes with the cookie cutters! Wow! Y also found a new way to stamp star shapes into the clay by using the end of the rolling pin! That’s a very unique way to stamp! L also made a great attempt at flattening out clay of her own with a roller too! She really loves our play doh!

In the free play area were our popular wooden toys! N really liked playing with the people shaped wood toys and had a big smile! Maybe he was pretending, imagining them being himself and his mommy! Nearby, R was enjoying her favorite books and then came over to the play doh table to explore. She likes passing the many different tools to her friends. Thanks R!

Over on the tiny table, we finished up our angry face creations by adding eyes and big eyebrows! Ichiri showed great fine motor control, placing sticker eyes onto the face and gluing the eyebrows! L also did a wonderful job adding her facial features too! No job is too big for her! Y made sure to position her sticker eyes just right, making her face just right! Way to go!

Pretty soon, it was time for us to clean up and start our morning circle. We sang our morning song and then asked I to be our weather person for the day. She told everyone with a big voice “RAINY”. The rainy weather made some of us sleepy but not for long! We counted jumbo LEGOs together! From one to five we counted together and L helped top a yellow block adding more to our block tower! 

What items at home can you count together? Give it a try together!

Just before we enjoyed our snacks, we read the story “Five Little Princesses” together. We were able to practice counting once more and loved seeing the princesses shining sparkling dresses! 

After we enjoyed our snacks, Brandon brought in giant mats for us to play on and we got to pick stuffed animals and more to enjoy! Lucy brought in a torch and shined it all around the room pretending it was the moon! Everyone tried to catch it together with lots of laughter and smiles! 

Thank you so much for a great week buds friends! 

