The Search For Buried Treasure!

Tuesday, July 23rd: The Search for Buried Treasure!

Happy HOT Tuesday! 

Today we beat the heat by playing in our balcony blue lagoon! It was a very deep blue color today and looked like the ocean! It was a great way for us to cool off in this summer heat!

On the front activity table today, we played with the people connecting puzzles. I helped Brandon link together a big chain of people, while A pretended to march her favorite color piece around the table happily! What a wonderful parade of smiles!

At the back activity table was our amazing magic sand, waiting for us to sculpt and create! M pressed a sandwich shape into a toy pot with toy lettuce inside! YUM! Ii came by to practice rolling ball shapes with Brandon, it was lots of fun! Ichiri had one, two, three balls!

In the free play area, the linking toys were out and I showed off her building skills by making an amazing heart shape out of green pieces! Terrific work!

Pretty soon, it was time for us all to clean up and enjoy our snacks together and then get dressed for our exciting water play! Today we practiced scooping and pouring the water, transferring it into different places. It was lots of fun for us to test our fine motor strength and to also see the deep blue water pour out and splash into different containers! SPLOSH!

After we dried off and changed into dryer clothes, we gathered around for a quick morning circle where Brandon explained that he needed our help to locate some missing fruit! It would be today’s precious treasure for us to locate as a team BUT Brandon challenged us to scoop up the missing fruit with grabber scissors! So cool! 

I was so excited to find the grapes, A and I also found the grapes and M found an orange! Nice work locating them all! Everyone also showed great determination to use the grabber scissors to fetch their beloved fruits with great control and focus! Nice work, super spies!

Speaking of searching high and low, when was the last time you played “hide and seek” together? Give it a try and maybe reward yourselves with a COOL treat!

See you tomorrow everyone!

