Can you find the missing number?

Greetings from another Spy Training! Petals started their day unpacking their bags and finishing their Spy packets. We also introduced numbers; we began by identifying the numbers and moved to link chains to the corresponding numbers.
S: 1,2,3,4
K: 5
L: 8!
After packing away our morning activities, we headed our way to Step Park. On our way to the park, some friends noticed some spider webs on the wall. They were curious why there are spider webs and no spiders! At the park, we watered our plants and played with friends. S, R and Isa saw a bee and E drew our attention to a blue dragonfly. They were trying to catch the dragonfly as it flew away.
E: Look spider webs! Why no spider?
I: One more! (spider web)
S: A bee!
R: Why? ( after Evita said to not touch it)
I: Buzz! Buzz!
E: Come, a dragonfly.
R: Blue! (when asked what color is the dragonfly)
L: That is a spider! Buzz! buzz!
R/I: NO! Bee! ( when asked which makes the buzzing sound)
After going to the park, we ate our snacks and Evita gathered the class. She started revisiting yesterday’s spy training lesson; colors! She then read the book, Secret Agent Josephine’s Spy Numbers. This exciting number book explores the content of her expanding spy bag. After reading, she encouraged the class to identify numbers and told them that like spies they needed to look for hidden items around them, like numbers! She showed pictures encrypted with hidden numbers. And with a special flashlight, they must identify the numbers!
R: blue, purple, green
T: Black
P: red, black
K: White
L: blue
R: spy
S: Spider?
E: Secret Agent! Sneaky
I: colors?
L: looking for something ( when asked what Josephine’s job)
E: Secret Agent!
L: Numbers
R: I don’t know
D: 1
L: I have 5 lipsticks!
I: Passports are for airplane
R: I like the blue one. ( when asked if she likes wigs)
D: 8 shoes!
I: My mommy has something.
S: 100! ( shoes he has)
R: 7
S: Camera
R: Mommy has one.
Evita: What comes after 9?
D: *showed 10 of his fingers
E: 3
K: 3
P: 5, 1?
L: 7
L: 6
R: 1
S: 10
T: 6(9)
D: 4
I: 5
R: 5
P: 1,2,3,9?
T: 6(10), 7 (8)

We had fun looking for hidden numbers! Stay tuned for more spy training tomorrow!