What is the code?

Happy Monday everyone!

Today we begin our second week of spy training and after focusing on physical training last week, this week we are focusing on cognitive training to become incredible spies, excellent detectives, code-breaking professionals!

Today after all our friends arrived we ate our snacks and headed straight to the temple to enjoy the cool morning wind and avoid the heat. I and T had fun looking for rollie pollies with Brandon while N practiced walking with Liezel and Y practiced running with Marjorie.

Once we returned to school we did our circle time! We sang, we said our names and we started the first practice to decipher codes! Brandon showed us different cards and we had to find the pairs to succeed! I have to tell you that our Buds friends were great during this exercise, I was the first to find her pair, then Y and T and finally N! Victory for our apprentice spies!

Then I chose today’s story for our book time “the wheels on the bus”!

We then did a little free play. In the free play area we played with the mega blocks, N had fun taking pieces and putting it on the balcony to then play there, T thought it was fun and joined him on the balcony. I and Y preferred to stay in the free play area and danced together! They also like solving puzzles, what a team!

After having fun together we washed our hands and it was time to get ready for our lunch time already!

Thank you for today everyone!

Have a wonderful afternoon and see you all tomorrow!

