Caring For Our Flowers and Building an Obstacle Course!

Wednesday, June 19th : Our mini obstacle course!

Happy Wednesday!

This morning on the front activity table, we completed color matching puzzles! H and M worked together to solve a few of them and M also lended a hand! What great teamwork!

At the back table was our famous rainbow play doh! M and H loved to squish and squeeze it between their fingers with a big smile. So much fun!

In the free play area, we built a small town using large legos! H came over to join M in snapping pieces together to build a small town together! What a great set of builders we have!

We finally got a break in the weather today! Since today’s forecast called for much warmer weather, we left to go enjoy the park just after we finished our snacks!

Once we arrived at the park, we took some turns watering the flowers under our care there! M and M were very careful, watering the flowers gently to keep them fresh and beautiful!

Shortly after, we walked over to the temple nearby and explored in the shade! N discovered some very interesting leaves and was interested in their texture as he grasped and felt many different shapes and sizes.

When we returned to school, we drank a little water and sat down to hear a story from L called “the very busy spider”. The story was about perseverance and not giving up, which was perfect motivation for our next activity to build our own mini obstacle course! M helped move some cushions to use them as stepping stones and M pushed over a slide for us to use! These friends are super strong! Pretty soon, we were off to race through the stepping stones and down the slide to the finish line! Way to go!

Thank you so much for today, friends! See you tomorrow!

