Infiltration Training!

Today is Day three of our Spy Training course! We started our day with another short free play time so we could go to the park early! As soon as we arrived at school our teachers helped us get ready and once everyone was here we got a hold of our rope and headed off to Step Park! Because we left Ohana really early, it was very cool at the park and there weren’t very many people! We watered the plants, dug holes in the sand pit, and enjoyed going down the giant slide!

We took a quick water break before we headed back to school. Before we had our snacks we sat in a circle to introduce ourselves. We had a brand new teacher today and her name was Esmeralda or Esmi. Before we sang our next song we talked a little about the feelings we could have inside like happy, sad, angry, or sleepy. Then, we sang the “How Are You Today” song.

E: I’m Sleepy!

K: Sleepy

R: Angry! Grrr!

M: Angry.

D: Sad

P: Happy

I: Good

T: Angry *Made an angry face*

I: Like a lion!

Although our friends said they were sad or angry, they were smiling while they were saying it so we think they were actually happy!

Our next song was Highway Number one. Nimo sang the first set of actions and our friends did the others!

E: I want to say it! Jump and Spin!

L: Drive a car!

I: Jump and Clap

K: Jump, jump and jump

D: Jump, jump, jump, jump!

P: Shake and shake!

M: Clap and spin!

After we finished music time, we had Esmeralda read us a story! Today she read, “The Eye Book” by Dr. Seuss.

Esmi: How many eyes do we have?

L: Two!

I: *color* Blue!

R: Eyes!

Esmi: Who can wink?

M: *Tried her best to wink one eye!

Esmi: Do you have pink eyes?

I: No only white eyes!

Esmi: Do we have a clock?

E: A clock over there!

Esmi: Do you like pie?

R: Blueberry pie!

M: Strawberry pie!

E: How about coconut pie?!

We thanked Esmi for the lovely story time then we ate our snacks while our teachers set up the obstacle course! Today’s training theme was “Infiltration”. In spy movies the main character needs to sneak inside a building to get something important and they almost always have to go through laser traps. Today our teachers made a little set of traps for us to avoid. They used three tables with balloons stuck on the bottom of them. At the end of the course, we had ribbons we had to avoid to get the treasure. We went in pairs and we first started by crawling under the table making sure not to touch the balloons. Then we squeezed our way through the ribbons, grabbed the yellow ball and went back to were we started. It was a ton of fun and we all wanted to do it again! After we did the activity two times each, we still wanted more! Our last task today was to go through the laser again, but this time our teachers used tape instead of ribbons so we really needed to be careful not to touch it!

We had another fabulous day! Hope you all have a wonderful evening and we will see you all again tomorrow!

