Spy training and obstacle course

Hello everybody and welcome to another super funny day of Summer school! We are glad to have you again. We kept on exploring our theme about spies! Hope that you will enjoy reading today’s journal!



As today was a rainy day, we couldn’t go to Step Park. Instead, we had a longer play time and did a lot of indoor activities. Before our daily circle time, we tested our physical skills by doing parkour on gym mats, crawling inside tubes or balancing ourselves on blocks. It was so fun that our friends wanted to do it several times, everyone got at least three turns!


Then we gathered to have our daily discussion about our ongoing topic: Spies!

We thought about what spies are doing as a job:


Sh.: Secret jobs!

Th.: They look for people, kind of like police.

R.: An important job.

A.: I want to be police so I can be spy too.

S.: They spy on people. They look at what people are doing.

Sh.: Also, they’re super quiet. So, they don’t know they are there.


QUESTION OF THE DAY: “Do you need to be fast to be a spy”


O.: Spy is so fast.

S.: Because nobody can see the spy. They don’t want nobody to see them.

A.: If you see the spy, he need to run fast.

Sh.: They need to be fast to be where they need to be.

T.: Spies need to be so fast to catch the bad guy.

A.: Ninja will catch the bad guy and the bad guys run so fast.

R.: Because I “chooseded” yes!


And that’s it for today! Our tummies were growling so we ended the discussion and got ready for lunch time!


Thank you for reading our daily adventures and see you for more, tomorrow!

Lots of Love

Children from the Flowers Class.