We Have Holes in our Nose

Happy Tuesday! We were surprised to have a shorter morning activity than usual as there was a plan to be in Buds class. Th asked, “Why are we going to Buds class? Is it a bad thing or a good thing?”. Our excitement built up when we saw that Petals class was also there. Hi asked, “Whose birthday party is it going to be?”. Hmm, we waited patiently and quietly until we saw Brandon in front of everyone. Guess what it was? It was our first group story time with Buds, Petals, and all Ohana teachers. We had a wonderful time listening to the story with the other classes. We are looking forward to the next group story time😊


We went back to our morning activities after the group story time. We enjoyed playing restaurant and house with our friends. We can’t wait to have our play restaurants open soon! Some of us enjoyed building patterns and things on the cork board activity where we used nails and hammer to create things with blocks.

The spaghetti and pizza group focused on making things for their restaurant. Mi, Hi, O, and C went into a chef mode by making spaghetti noodles with yarn. They cut white and red yarn in different lengths. Some of them tried to make ribbon pasta with rectangle felt. They tied a rubber band in the middle part of the felt and ta-da --- ribbon pasta is ready! Ta expressed that he wanted to make meatballs. We recycled the balls we used for setsubun and turned them into meatballs by painting them red! T did a great job painting these paper balls which made them to really look delicious!


Many thanks again to Maryna for coming to Flowers for our dance class. Checking the calendar, we realized that after 3 more days, it will be DADS’ Day. We will have 3 more practice days with Maryna, and then comes the big day! To all our daddies and uncles out there, we are very excited to see you on Friday! We hope you will enjoy our dance and song presentations, as well as our games!


Our circle time started by singing the continent song. We looked at our world map and Sh answered that the 7 things that we sing are called, “CONTINENTS”! E mentioned that “a globe shape is 3D, so it’s called sphere”. A world map on our wall shows what would the globe look like when it is stretched into a rectangle shape. Since we know that there are countries that are on most of the continents, we tried to share where we are from. Some of us were not sure which country or countries we came from. Perhaps, it might be a great idea to ask mom and dad tonight.

QUESTION OF THE DAY (Does your nose have holes?)

Before we separated into our groups, Vieda read us an interesting book called, The Holes in Your Nose by Genichiro Yagyu. When we heard about the dolphin nose, Graham said, “What?! Theo answered, “So they ca spray water like an elephant”.

We can see that we have holes in our nose, but we wondered what’s inside our nose holes! Be replied, “Hairs! My daddy has the hair!”. We had a lot of things to share, so we went into our small group for discussion.


          Ke: My daddy have hair.

          Re: Yeah because I think if we don’t have then we can’t have catch something bad, like catching bad smell and so good thing.

          Ri: I don’t know.

          Sh: Maybe because they can catch bad insects.

          K: If no hair in the nose, then we cannot breathe.

Question: What else in our nose?

          R: Yellow and blood.

          Ke: Hanakuso

          Re: Skin

Question: What is nose made from?

          Ke: Plastic. Because we cannot eat. My mommy have it.


Question: What do we have inside our nose?

          Gr: Boogers

          Ei: There is hair in our nose.

          B: Boogers, hairs, and muscle.

          T: Our nose is like a straight line.

          E: Bone! They are hard.

          Cl: Nose inside is more round.

          Ei: Also breathing. Maybe the nose has a hole down to our mouth. When you smell yucky things you say, ewww!

          Se: Just bones.

          B: It sends a message to your brain and say it if it’s like a flower.

          M: Maybe when you blow your nose.


Question: What is inside the holes in our nose?

          Mi: Boogers

          C: Bones

          Th: Germs. The skull is connected to our nose bone. There is also hair and another tricky one. This tricky one, my mommy knows well but I kinda know it, too. It starts with P and then Q, Y and W. That’s the tricky one.

          Hi: There’s blood from the heart because the heart gives blood to everywhere in the body.

          T: Your brain is connected to our skull.

          H: Mouth is connected to eye and nose. Brain is connected to the brain.

          Mi: Nose is connected to brain because I saw at the library book. Book shows me that they’re connected.

          Ta: Hair and nose bone.

          T: There’s slime!

          Mi: Skin color is the same as my mom and my dad, but not the same shape and size.

Thank you for sharing your interesting ideas! Let’s see how our discussion will go tomorrow based on these ideas and observations.


Thank you, Ke and B for sharing your special items with us today!


(K’s Plate)
Ke: I make this in England. First, I make this one, then I do paint, then I put the sparkly.

Hi: Why the paint stick to the sparkly?

Ke: Because the England paint can stick.

T: Where did you get it?

Ke: In England.

 (B’s Cup Toy)

B: On Sunday, I make this craft. The teacher put the string here, and I cut it and I color it.

V: Who is this?

B: Jonah

M: How do you make it?

B: There’s a paper, and I cut it.


We enjoyed looking at the different countries on the world map. Finding the countries that our friends and teachers are from made it more fun! We are very happy to learn about the different countries from Flowers families who come for our international months. Learning about our nose is something that really fascinates us! We are looking forward to learning more about our nose!

Please remember to wear your Ohana T-shirt tomorrow!


Flowers XOXO


Ohana International School