Fall Is Here; Our Winter Party Is Near

December 4th, 2024

Happy Wednesday! We’re enjoying another wonderful day in Flowers Class!


Today we focused much of our time on practicing for the winter party! We changed the way that we will stand for one of our songs and went through them twice each. We’re working on singing loud and proud, and standing nicely, so we don’t distract our friends or the audience. We’re getting excited for our first big performance of the school year!


A read our question today!

A: Are you nervous for the winter party?

First, let’s define what “nervous” means.

R: Nervous means that…I think it’s scared. It’s like scared but not scared. Like I cannot do by myself.

S: It means scared to do something that I need help from someone.

J: Nervous means like we don’t want to come.

Y: It’s scared.

Those are great definitions! Has anyone had a time when they felt like that?

S: Mom’s and Dad’s Day. I was nervous because so many people were watching.

What does that feel like inside?

R: When I am nervous it feels like I am hungry.

A: Only when I’m hungry my stomach is hungry.

Some of us get nervous whenever we’re in front of a lot of people, which makes our stomachs feel a bit strange. Our teachers also told us that they get nervous sometimes too! Since our Winter Party will be the first time for us to perform in front of people this school year, it makes sense that we might be nervous about it.

Most of us said that we aren’t nervous about the Winter Party, so do we have any advice for those who are?

J: Have fun!

S: Don’t think about it or forget it.

What if we forget what to do during our performance?

R: You can look at your friends.

We’re all in this together! We’re ready to support each other and help our friends if they need it! We also think that one of the best ways to not feel nervous is to practice enough so that we know exactly what to do and what to expect when the day finally comes. There’s only three days left before then so let’s try our best to prepare. That way we can enjoy our party to the fullest!

We’re looking forward to showing you what we’ve been working on!

See you again tomorrow!


Flowers XOXO