Happy Friday! This week had been a lot of fun learning about lines as we see them in nature and in shapes! For today’s question of the day, we explored on whether lines can make letters. Before doing so, we reviewed what kinds of lines we learned this week. When Vieda asked us about the names of the lines, we smiled and showed the class how they looked like. Oh no, we forgot their names! Luckily, with a little hint with their beginning sounds, we were able to remember them! They are the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines.
There are some letters that we could make using a combination of these lines. We got so excited when we realized that lines cannot only make shapes, they can also make letters!
Vieda brought out wood pieces that we could arrange into horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines to make letters. Each of us had a turn to make a letter. We gave examples of an animal, fruit, food, or name of a friend that has the same beginning, ending, or middle sound as well. We discovered that while there are many letters that have horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, there are letters that need curvy lines too. We enjoyed making letters using wood pieces. Next time, it would be fun to “draw” these lines when we try writing letters.
Here are the words that we came up with each letter sound:
C: Hi Ri: hamburger Ae: H
Ma: house Yu: Ohana O: hot and hop
Zo: hands
Ai: I have “n” in my name! Re: Nice
Co: Zo have even 2!
Co: Zoo R: Zebra Z: Z
Yuhi: Ax R: Box Ai: fox Y: fix
Please remember to check our photos on Class Dojo to see what letters we made wit the wood pieces😊
This week, we set our schedule to visit the Azabu library (our first for this school year!) today. After reviewing the guidelines for the library, we made our way downstairs very excited for our library trip. As we were about to leave Ohana, rain started pouring. We rushed to go back upstairs and played a card game called “Who”. Then, Ai said, “Look, outside is not raining anymore”. Re commented, “Before too when we lined up downstairs to go to the library with Vieda, it rained too! Maybe because Vieda is a “rainy girl”! Re’s comment made the teachers laughed hard!
Going back to the weather, Cameron checked the forecast which said that the drizzle would stop in a few minutes. Vieda smiled and asked Flowers, “do you want to go to the library?”, to which we replied, “YES!”. So, guess what? We put on our smocks again and walked to Azabu library, and we made it😊At the library, we enjoyed reading very huge board books and cloth books. Our teachers praised us for being able to keep the library a QUIET ZONE. It looks like our visit to the Azabu library will be on a regular basis! Yay!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Flowers XOXO