Hola Brazil!

We are almost done completing our cards for Valentine’s Day next week. Using selections of cut out heart shapes from patterned paper glued on the card, our Valentine cards turned into beautiful cards. We also practiced writing our love messages for our moms and dads. We can’t wait to have lots of fun and games on our Valentine’s Day Celebration party on February 15th!


Today another guest came to Flowers class.  Guess who? It seemed like many of us knew who was coming to present a country to us this morning because our friend, D had been so excited about his country!  After snack time we all got ready to welcome Ca, D’s mom. We all gathered in a circle and started off by singing Hello Song.  Some of our new friends who didn’t know her name were able to remember her name.



 Ca had a presentation about Brazil. She started by showing us a piece of a big material. Ky thought that it was a painting. We saw green, yellow, and blue colors printed on it and lots of stars. She said, “This is the flag of Brazil”. We noticed that there are so many starts and wondered why. Sh said, “Maybe because it’s nighttime in the moon. There are lots of stars in the moon”. We were surprised when C told us what the stars mean. She said, “It represent all the states in Brazil. Brazil is the largest country in South America”.  We also learned that Brazil is a lot bigger than Japan. D showed us where they live on the map.  The more we listened to Ca, the more questions we wanted to ask. We were so happy when the question time arrived.

 A: What language do they speak in Brazil?

C: We speak Portuguese.

A: Is it the same in Portugal? I went to Portugal, and they also speak Portuguese. 

Ca: They also speak in Portuguese in Portugal but in a different accent.

Hi: In Brazil, they eat yummy food?

Ca: We love to eat barbecue in Brazil.

Ri: I do barbecue in Wakayama with my grandpa and grandma.

Be: How hot is it in Brazil?

Ca: The climate in Brazil is hot in the North side and cold in the south.

Sh: You know where is hotter? In the desert.

A: How many people are in Brazil?

C: Almost 200 million.

V: How long does it take to go to Brazil from Japan?

C: By airplane and it takes two days.


In Brazil, they like to play soccer a lot. We saw a picture of one of the famous soccer players (Pelle) in the country. We want to know how to play soccer. Ca brought an interesting set of soccer set. Then she asked us if we knew how to play soccer game. Ky said, “we use our feet to kick the ball and hands to throw the ball”. Ca explained furthermore that when the ball goes inside the goal, you win!  D then added, " we run and kick the ball.” We also learned some other things that are very popular in Brazil such as known the Amazon rain forests, carnival, and delicious foods. Ca brought us a special homemade cheese bread (Pao de queijo).  Thank you so much! We can’t wait to taste this bread when we get home today.  We also learned some words in Portuguese such as good morning (Bom dia), thank you (for boys is obrigado and for girls it’s obrigado), and delicious (gostoso).


Fire Drill 

It was another great practice for our fire drill today. We were all seated in a circle when we heard a sound. We knew it was something we needed to pay attention to. "It was fire!” D said it in a big voice. We knew that we must find our way out quickly and safely. We remembered what we learned from the last time we had our fire drill quite precisely.  We did the same thing this time as we lined up and went down quietly and calmly. We covered our mouth and nose. We knew that the smoke from the fire can make it hard to see things around us. That’s why it is necessary for us to put one hand up to protect us from bumping into things that could be invisible for us, in case of real fire.  We also stayed low to the ground as we made our way to the exit. We talked about how the smoke from fire can hurt our lungs, too. That’s why we learned how vital it is to practice fire drills and safety procedures in case of a real fire.

 It was a nice weather today outside and had a wonderful time playing at the park with our friends!

 We hope you will have a nice long weekend! See you on Monday!


