Hello Wedenesday!

“Good morning!”, we greeted each other happily as we were happy to see our friends and teachers as always! We continued the oni craft today with Sayaka. During free play time, we cooked with kitchen toys, drew on the white board, and played with blocks. We were so busy playing with all the things we had. It is also a great exploring time for us. 

We had a great news during free play time! “How about we go to robot park?” Our teacher asked us. “I wanna go!” We shouted out. Going to robot park was one of our friend’s idea actually. He wanted to stop by robot park this morning, but he just didn’t have enough time to go and he was a little sad about it. Since robot park is one of Petals favorite parks, our teacher thought we can go and play there instead of step park. Who could say no to such a wonderful idea! So, we started cleaning up a bit earlier to make sure we have enough time for a long walk. 

In morning circle time, we talked about a special person for an event coming up. Sayaka started by asking this question. “ Do you have daddy?” 

J: No daddy, papa is working. (Papa’s job is) drinking water. Daddy likes talking.

T: Ya, I only have one. J. He likes to go to Tire Park, you have to take the train.

L: …  *Smile* Mommy!

J: Ya, S. He like coffee!

K: Daddy! Daddy’s name Daddy! Daddy likes…  Daddy, Tea, and Mommy! 

E: Yes, (his name is) Daddy. He likes coffee.

L: Ya, (name) Papa. Likes…?  *smile*

R: I have a daddy, J. He likes beer. 

C : Papa get food at the groceries store and he likes avocado and salad, and water and milk and coffee.

E : I don’t know.

S : Daddy loves coffee.

P : *nodded his head that his daddy’s working.

M: OShigoto, he likes coffee.

G : Yes, J. I don’t know.

M : (His name is) A, he likes to work. He likes to eat salad.

K : (His name is)T, he likes coffee. He do drinking. 

Great! We wanted to talk more about our daddy, but we also wanted to enjoy special park time so we paused circle time and headed to the park. The park time today was so much fun! “Did you like robot park?” “Yeeees!” “Was it fun?” “Yeeees!” We hope we can go and play there again!

Sayaka showed us one of the books we have in Petals and title was, “So Much” by Trish Cooke, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury. The story started on the page where mom and her baby are alone and they were waiting until they heard a “ding dong” at the door! It was auntie! Then uncle, nannie, gran-gran, and all the cousins visited thier house for daddy. They all love the baby SO MUCH. So, they kissed, hugged, squeezed, and played. It was a lovely book and we were excited to take a guess who is the next guest to ring the bell, ding dong! Reading the book made us want to talk more about our daddy. Sayaka, “Hmm for daddy's day what can we do? What we do for daddy?” “Should we give a present?”

R : Giving coffee to daddy.

T : Giving a robot dinosaurs. 

Sayaka: A toy dinosaurs for your daddy??? I think you want the toy! *She had a cheeky smile.

M : Drawing pictures and daddy be happy.

Sayaka: That sounds so sweet!

C : Giving a toy.

J: An airplane. 

M : Let's play together with daddy.

Sayaka: That’s a great idea too!”

C : I play together with daddy too and mommy too?

After we all gathered our ideas for our daddy. We shared what our daddy says to us.

R: I love you

J: I Love you too!

C: I love mama and dada. And he says, “time for walk”.

M: He says, “Kiddo! Time to go!”

G: He says, “I Love you” I say, “I love you too”

T: My daddy say, “I love you”.

K: “Time for work”

J: “Time for back!”

K: Daddy!

S: I love you. He say it in Eigo

E: He says I love you.

M: I say, “I love you to my mommy”. My daddy say, “I love you!”.

Sayaka asked us if we sometime wait for our daddy like the baby in the book.

T: Last time my daddy was late. I wait for a long time!

Sayaka: Do you eat dinner with daddy?

R: I eat with J

J: No. 

M: Daddy.

K: Yes, eating.

We couldn’t stop taking about our daddy because we love daddy SO MUCH! “I’m hungry. Lunch?” Hahaha, it made our teachers laugh. So, we started getting ready for lunch.

Thank you very much for today. See you all tomorrow! Please don’t forget that there won’t be school on Friday.



Ohana International School