The Snail and the Whale

“Rain, rain, go away, come again another day, little Petals want to play, rain, rain, go away” we sang in the morning as we looked out the window. Our Weather Reporters C, R, and K told everyone, “It’s Raining! No park today”. Our Attendance Monitors J, L, and L, counted 13 friends. J added the children and teachers together, “Friends + Teachers is 16!”. Even though it was gloomy outside today, we had a great time playing with Duplo blocks and doing lots of crafts! First, we sat down with Marjorie to make our Valentine’s Cards for our friends! Our teachers prepared lots of cards with different designs and printed out all of our names. Once we chose a design we wanted to give to our friends, we looked for our names and our friend's names and stuck them on the card. It was a fun way to learn about letters and sounds. After we were done making our Valentine’s Cards, some of us sat down with Nimo to finish our Paper Clay Heart craft. Finally, we went to Sayaka and did some hand prints for a special card!

Our teachers were so happy to receive our special Valentine’s chocolate and cards! They gave us a big hug and we gave them a great big smile! We also went up to the office to hand Maryna some chocolate too! She was very happy too!

After a super busy morning, we had our snacks and then danced to some songs! We sat down in a circle and sang some more songs, then we had Gym Class. We started Gym Class with some stretching and fun workouts! We then did some animal movements like tigers, crocodiles, kangaroos, and Komodo Dragons. We played our favorite game, the sumo game, and of course, we won! We took a quick water break then when we came back Nimo prepared a bar for us to hang on. We each had a turn to simply hang on the bar with our legs up. Our friends counted to 10 and we tried our best not to let go. For our next activity, we tried hanging on the bar like a sloth. First, we grabbed the bar with our hands and then put our legs around the bar. We hung on for 10 seconds and then plopped down on the mat.

We took another water break and when we got back, we read a book called, “The Snail and the Whale” by Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler. It was a lovely book about a snail with an itchy foot that wanted to travel the world. The snail hopped on the tail of the whale and together they went to see all kinds of places.

K: This whale is cute!

K: I see a whale on (our world) map!

G: The snail on the tail.

E: I love penguins.

M: It’s a volcano!

P: Oh no! Shark! Shark!

T: I see an octopus.

C: That’s a coconut tree.

K: Oh! A storm!

R: I see a bear!

T: An Eagle!

G: The Eagle is America.

J: The whale is stuck.

G: It’s school, the kids help the whale.

Petals: Hooray!

We had a lovely time talking about the book and the daring adventures of the Snail. We looked at our world map and tried to guess some of the places the snail visited.

T: Uhh. Antarctica?

E: Somewhere cold.

R: Somewhere hot.

J: Here, volcano!

R: The ocean.

We talked about how different parts of the world look different and how we are so excited to see more parts of the world for our international month!

Before we hand our lunch, our teachers reminded us that today is 13, which means tomorrow is 14. February 14, is Valentine’s Day, a day full of hearts and love! Tomorrow is a special day so we can bring chocolate and candy for our snack time. C told his friends, “I’m going to bake cookies for my friends!”.

Thank you very much everyone for another fabulous Monday! Have a lovely evening and see you all tomorrow!

