The "Royal Family" in Europe

Castles “Glowing” in Colorful Love

A station is set up with a light table, translucent colored wooden blocks, neon colored spikes, a picture of a castle, and colorful see through heart cut outs. The goal of this activity was to entice us to build castles that emulate a “magical feeling” by the glow effect given by the light table. Here’s what we did:

  1. K brought out her Elsa doll and instantly knew that it was a castle that her doll could live in. She led Elsa to walk through and around the castle.

  2. G used the picture of a castle as a guide on how to build her own. She made sure her castle had pointed roofs and towers.

  3. W enjoyed looking through the colorful see through heart cut outs and gave a big smile when his teachers told him that they loved him while looking through it.

  4. S and R enjoyed interacting with one another by pointing out that they see each other in a different color!

Stamping Colorful Hearts

Used tissue boxes were transformed into heart shaped telescopes that were used as stamps. As Valentines is soon coming up, we have started creating art pieces that encapsulate the beautiful emotion of love.

K, N, and W all took part in this station together with Tamara in stamping as many hearts as they could on black sheets of paper.

Transporting Around the World

Our “World” art project is now complete after almost a month working on it. In congruence with our theme, toy vehicles were brought for us to use to “travel” around the world. R immediately thought of replicating the world map posted on the wall by flying an airplane over the world and driving cars through the bumpy lands.

Upon seeing this station, M got enticed to stand up on her own and drove toy vehicles on our “World” art project. She was able to stand on her own for a long period of time which is a great indication that she is working on strengthening her lower body!

Opening Packets

Together with Erika, a few of us worked on strengthening our fine motor skills by tearing little packets containing soy beans that were used last Friday for Setsubon. G, K and K all demonstrated patience in learning how to tear packets apart. They also practiced mindfulness in making sure that none of the soybeans were on the floor.

Circle Time

To get us started for Circle Time, we danced to the catchy song of The Surfaces’ “I Can’t Help But Feel”. After a good dance off, we settled and did some stretching to Poolside’s “Hot in the Shade”. 

To transition us to doing our morning name roll call, “The Fairytale Royal Family” was introduced to us. To the tune of “Daddy Finger”, we met “Mister King”, “Mrs. Queen”, “Mrs. Fairy Godmother”, “Little Prince” and “Little Princess”. Here are the corresponding actions that we do for each Royal Family member:

  1. Mister King: bow

  2. Mrs. Queen: curtsy

  3. Mrs. Fairy Godmother: wave our finger like a wand

  4. Little Prince: salute

  5. Little Princess: twirl

Our teachers are also proud of how we are doing better in waiting. We all had to wait for our respective turns before being given a part of a 3D castle puzzle. When all of us have received one, we waited for the cue to put it all together for our “Fairytale Royal Family” to have a place to live in.

Outdoor Play

We spent almost 45 minutes out in the park basking under the beautiful sunlight and playing together with friends from Petals Class. Before Petals Class arrived, we showed how we respect friends from other schools by making sure that we don’t cross the line while in the green area of Step park so that both parties could have a fair share of the space.

We hope everyone is having a lovely Tuesday so far!


Buds Class Children