Celebrating Birthdays

Using Rulers and Sticks to Trace

This station is targeted for the older members of the class to further strengthen their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination by using rulers and pens to draw lines. With Goh San facilitating this station, she guided G in drawing lines using popsicle sticks. M, our youngest, held onto pens using both her hands to strengthen her grip. A and E worked together in drawing vertical lines.

The interesting feature of this station was that we traced lines on shiny, glossy paper. The reflection coming from the paper added to the “magic & wonder” of this activity. Furthermore, by tracing lines, we remember the design of the brick walls that surround the castles in Europe.

“Baking” A Cake

Since today is the joint birthday celebration of our friends N, S, and W… we decided to make them a freshly made batch of playdough for their “birthday cakes”. Remembering the story of “Happy Birthday, Spot!” by Eric Carle, we all agreed that having a cake is needed to celebrate our friends’ special day.

Together with Nanako, Y, G, W, and K all took turns scooping flour out of a tall container and mixing it together with oil and water. They were encouraged to be mindful of gently scooping and pouring so as not to make too big of a mess… and they did great! We are proud of how our older members are learning to become more responsible.

Finding the Shiny Gems

In our sensory table are shiny gems hidden under a blanket of colorful tissue paper. Using magnifying glasses, we had to look closely to be able to find these shiny gems as they were quite tricky to locate!

K thought of using the magnifying glass as a spoon to scoop out the tissue paper to find the gems.

K and G bonded over having fun see each other “enlarged” through the magnifying glass

W thought of “camouflaging” the trains underneath the colorful tissue paper

N was in charge of finding the trains that W hid and used it for his railway system

Our Special Guests and Joint Birthday Celebration

Each time half of the red curtain is open, we sense that a surprise is coming. This morning, we were in for such a wonderful treat as we had M, I, and N come in to celebrate W, N, and S’ birthdays with us this morning. We are always thrilled to see the special people whom we often see in one another’s LifeBooks come in for a visit! It allows us to get to know each other’s family outside of our OHANA family in school.

M read to us Wren’s favorite book about trains. Our eyes all widened upon seeing the book’s cover of a blue train. After the story, I showed us several yoga moves together with N. A and S gave their best in trying to mimic all the moves as best as they could. Everyone had a fun time trying to do an “answering the telephone” pose by bending one leg while sitting and placing our foot as close to our ears as we can.

N and S handed out goodie bags to everyone as thanks for celebrating their birthdays together.

We ended the party by taking a group photo and dancing to The Kiboomer’s “Conga Line Dance”.

Playing with Balls Out in the Park

Our teachers are so proud of us with us being mindful of sharing half of the green area with another group of kids. On our half of the area, we played cop & robbers and enjoyed kicking various balls around the area. Running around definitely warmed us up despite the windy weather.

We hope everyone is having a great Wednesday so far!


Buds Class Children