A Grand Birthday Party!

Happy Birthday M! We started our marvelous Thursday with a grand Birthday Party for M! While we played with the the animal toys and pretended to be vets, Mirei and her mommy and daddy sat down on the art table and painted a gorgeous picture! As soon as they were done, we gathered in circle to sing songs and give Mirei our card we made for her! M’s mommy, S, and daddy, A, prepared a super fun game for us! All of us were wondering why there was a pool inside Petals Class. Our teachers began filling it up with water and then put in the bouncy balls and toy fish, M’s parents prepared for us. Then we picked up our Poi, which is like net to scoop the toys, but it’s made out of paper. Scooping things up with the paper net was really hard, but we did our best! We got two pois and if they both broke we used chopsticks and tweezers to carefully pick up the prizes. We kept playing until each of us got five. It was a very fun way to practice numeracy as we tried to figure out how many more we could get. We also got goodie bags and a lovely pop-up book about seasons too! We thanked A and S for the amazing party.

E’s mom R and K/M’s mom Y came to Petals and handed our teachers the special card we all have been working on! It was a lovely card with each of us holding a balloon! Some balloons were letter and they spelled, “WE LOVE YOU!”. Our teachers were so happy to receive them!

After we finished our snacks, we welcomed Maryna to Petals Class then had our dance class! We did tons of fun dances together then got ready for the park. We played at the Green Area and had a great time playing ball and tag!

We got back to school and started our circle time. We started with a quick review of yesterday’s conversation with Sayaka.

Nimo: Which job did you talk about yesterday?

R Doctor 

G: Teacher 

T: Vet is taking care of animals. One day we go to see X-ray.

Nimo: What do you think we can see ?

R Inside. Bone!

Nimo: Would you like to see bones?

Petals: Ya!

T: I wanna see a X-ray.

We hope we get a chance to visit the Vet! Nimo showed us today’s book, Dylan the Teacher by Guy Parker-Rees. Nimo told us he will introduce a new job today, a “Teacher”.

Nimo: What do you think the teacher ‘s job is?

T: Teacher tells something to do.

R: Don’t know what to do.

M: They teach you something 

Nimo: What do the teachers teach you?

G: A banana? It’s on the book.

M: Teachers love you.

R: I don’t know…

Nimo: Do you like school? What do you do at school?

T: Because it’s so much fun.

E: Read books.

T: Play, and eating.

R: Drawing.

T: Song!

M: Painting. 

G: I don’t know.

R: Dance, (and teach us about the ) map.

E: Continents.

K: North America.

T: You teach us 

Nimo: Do you want to be a teacher?

M and M *Raises their hands up.

Before we had our lunch we quickly talked about our dads.

Nimo: How do you show love?

R and M: Made a heart with hands

T: love is something if you give it away…

R: I eat snack together with my mommy and daddy.

T: And kiss!

Nimo: What color do you think your dads like?

K: Black.

S Blue.

E: Right blue.

T: Purple 

M: Blue.

G: Green.

R Pink.

M White.

L: Red.

We will paint our special gift with the color we think our dads like! Please look forward to it!

Have a lovely Thursday evening and we will see you all again tomorrow!

