Nimo's Wedding and Flowers' Brides and Grooms

Many thanks for making our day very bright today with your lovely flower gifts😊 It’s always great to feel appreciated, and showing your appreciation through flowers made us feel extremely grateful and happy! Thank you so much again!

  Flowers’ girls came in lovely dresses while the boys came in nice pants. We all thought this was our way of celebrating Valentine’s Day. After a short free play time, we had our first circle time. We could not help but to put our hands on our cheeks, and our eyes lit up when we heard that it was Nimo’s wedding celebration in Petals today! Although the boys made their special outfit with Cameron, and the girls had their headbands (for their veil)measured, we didn’t have any idea that they were for Nimo’s wedding. Our teachers said that they kept it as a “secret”. A secret? Now we know that we feel more excited when we discover a secret! Perhaps, the excitement that we felt would be the same feeling that Nimo would have in his surprise wedding celebration!


 Petals’ room looked different today. There were special cloths hanging on the ceiling, and there were lots of chairs, too! Petals friends looked so sharp in their special outfits. There was a special cake that had Nimo and Yuri’s name on it. Hmm, it did look like a wedding that we had been talking about in Flowers. We sat and waited patiently for the celebration to begin. A soft music was played, and then came Nimo and Yuri walking towards the front. A big congratulations to both of you! Shelley called Ky and K to share some of nuggets of wisdom about wedding. Vieda read the rest of our “getting married” ideas as well, to which Nimo and Yuri happily responded to! It was wonderful to see Nimo and Yuri exchange handmade rings. Thank you so much for inviting us to your wedding!


We came back to Flowers and talked about our special activity in Petals. 

Vieda: Why did we go to Petals today?

Br: Because it’s happy Valentine’s Day.

Ky: Nimo’s wedding

Sh: It’s a happy wedding day.

Ke: Happy birthday?

K: Happy Valentine.

R: Nimo Happy Valentine and happy birthday.

Vieda: Who was sitting next to Nimo?
Hi: Nimo’s friend

Ky: Nimo’s wife.

Sh: Sometimes, you can marry our best friend. My best friend is not my wife. Big best friends can be my wife.


Well, the lady next to Nimo is his wife, Yuri. We noticed that she had something on her head that looked similar with what we had. It’s called a veil. They also exchanged rings.

Sh: My mom wears a ring because Jewish girls and not Jewish girls wear rings.

Re: What is Jewish?

Sh: Jewish is someone who don’t celebrate Halloween and Christmas. They pray to Hashem. They are special people who live in the building.

Ky: My mommy have ring but my daddy have necklace star.


We moved on to share our ideas about the places we thought weddings could be held.

            Ky: In a special place

            Hi: Outside

            Ri: And inside too!
           Ky: In the park and then put on a tent.

            Hi: We can eat.

            Sh: My sister’s (wedding), there’s one for girls and one for boys. There’s two places.


            Our discussion shifted to another direction when Ki said, “I want to get married with my mom!”. We had a lovely discussion based on what she said.

            Ky: Children be grow up, mommy and daddy be old.

            Hi: You can marry someone who say yes you can get married to him. Can I marry you? And then say yes, then you can get married.

            Vieda: What if the person says no?    

            Hi: You can find another person.

            K: Yes, find another person who say yes, and then go get married.

            Ky:Find another one who is your friend.

            Ri: Some people say no, you can choose someone. You can be married.

 We got excited and started talking about our “plan” to get married or not. Please find out our interesting chat about this topic below:

            R: No, because I don’t want to get married.

            K: I want to get married with mommy.

            S: No, I don’t want to get married because I want one person. I want children. When I don’t want have children, I’m going to cry.

            Hi: I want to get married because I want to play games (after getting married).

            Hi: I will marry because I want to be a big mommy.

            Hi: I want baby.

 BABIES, anyone?

Some of us felt that we need to get married to have children. Vieda mentioned that some people got married and do not have children, and some are not married but they have children. Most of us said, “We want babies!”.

            Ki: I want to have 20 babies.

            K: I want 12.

            Sh: 12!
           Ka: 2!
           R: 20 or maybe 22 only sisters.

            Ky: I want only one!
           A: I want one girl.

            R: One baby

            Hi: 100!

As we were talking about babies, K shared something that she knows about how the baby is connected with the mommy. She said, “Baby is connected to something to mommy. When mommy gave birth to the baby, then mommy will give baby. Baby will go out of mommy’s tummy and will be able to breathe”. We wondered how this connection is possible. Vieda said that it’s called an umbilical cord. Ka said, “sometimes daddy cuts it!”. With the umbilical cord cut, the baby’s is out!

  R: Baby come out from here (pointed).

           Ky: Baby gonna come out from tummy or belly button.

           Hi: But, how do baby come in mommy’s tummy?

Hmm, now we have another “wonder” that came up in our discussion. Some our friends had shared their ideas regarding this “wonder”.

            Ka: When girls were small, there was a tiny egg. The egg gets bigger when the girls get bigger. Then, the baby grow bigger and bigger, then come out of tummy.

            Ri: No egg, just tummy. But why just girls (who has eggs and can have babies in their tummies)?

            Sh: Because it’s going to be ouchie.

            Ky: You gonna cry.

            Re (Baby goes inside the tummy) Just inside. From the head, baby go in the tummy. Then it’s gonna go to the shoulders, then tummy. Then it’s gonna come out.

            Ky: I remember when I’m inside mommy’s tummy. The color was black.

            Re: Why only mommy has babies in tummy?

            Hi: Because the boys don’t like babies in their tummy.

            Ky Is it Easter egg?

            K: Some people have little big egg.

            K: First, married people see the egg. Doctor see the egg, then catch the egg and put it in the machine. Doctor try to put the person inside the egg.

            Re Someone have 2 or 3 babies. Some have 4 or 5.

            Ka: When you come out (2 babies), you call them twins and that means they look alike.

            Re: I first grow up and Elena is so small because I am inside mommy’s tummy and I grow up and Elena came out.

 We decided that perhaps it would be better to ask mom and dad’s help regarding the questions that came up today. We’re looking forward to our sharing time tomorrow.


  After we our interesting discussion about wedding, getting married, and having babies, we turned our attention to a pile of wedding photos. There were so many great pictures! We were so happy that we were able to choose the pictures that we wanted for our collage. Thanks to Maryna for donating a big magazine about wedding. We cut and glued the pictures on a paper and shared what we made.

 STORY TIME (Daddy’s Hands by Takao Inoue, Illustrated by Taiko Saito)

  Next week will be our Dad’s Day. We can’t wait to have our dads come to Flowers! Our story time made us proud to share what we love about our daddies.

            Hi: My daddy do like this (squeezing cheeks) gentle.

            Hi: Always my daddy is kissing me.

            Ky: Hug is ouchie!
           Sh: Sometimes my daddy’s hands are warm.

            An: Daddy is so funny!
           Ka: I sit on daddy’s toes and he lifts me up!
           Ke: Daddy playing Lego with me.

            Hi: My daddy is doing funny face.

            Ka: My daddy do magic and lift me up.

 Amazing dads! We can’t wait to see you all on February 23rd!

 Tomorrow is our Valentine Party! See you in your red outfit or something that has hearts on it😊

Lots of love,
