Ocean Animals!

Good Afternoon! Today at Petals, excitement filled the air as we wrapped up our Winter Show preparations. Following our festive preparations, we played at our Christmas-themed sensory Area and Play Dough to exercise our fine motor skills. In the rhythm of our Winter Show, Marina led a lively dance, adding a touch of joy to our that morning.
As we gathered for our circle time, Evita guided us on our journey to the Animal Kingdom. She reviewed familiar animal groups and embarked on a new exploration- aquatic animals. Everyone was curious as she asked the class to identify the aquatic animals, where these creatures call home, and the distinction between sea and ocean dwellers. To reinforce our newfound knowledge, we embarked on a playful adventure- the Number Fishing game. Everyone was patiently listening to their teachers, eagerly “fishing” for the correct numbers.
Forest Animals
A: Tiger
R: Fox!
J: Elephant
L: Goat!
R: Skunk!
Farm Animals
R: Cow!
A: Horse!
J: Chicken!
R: Elephant!
R: Beetle!
A: Bugs!
J: Grasshopper!
M: I found a grasshopper!
Aquatic Animals
M: Shark!
J: Fish!
E: Whale!
L: Crab?
E: I eat this one!
J: I eat crabs!
R: Octopus!
Evita: How many tentacles does an octopus have?
L: 8!
R: Seahorse!
R: Star!
E: Starfish!
Evita: Where do these animals live?
L: Water!
J: Sea!
Evita: Do you want to go fishing?
Petals: Yes!
Evita: What do we catch the fish with?
M: Stick!
R: I have one at home!
L: I use my hands!
Number Fishing Game
R: Can we do it many times?
J: 10
L: 8, 4, 7
E: I want to catch 2 fish!
For today’s book reading, J volunteered to help Evita to read the book. J told the class what we were reading today. We read, “ The Rainbow Fish”. It is about a fish that has colorful and glittery scales. Everywhere he goes, his fellow fish admire his beauty. He felt very proud and did not want to play with ordinary fish and because of this, nobody wanted to play with him. He felt alone and sad. One day a blue fish asked to have one shiny scale from him, but he refused. Then an Octopus told him he needed to give his scales to each fish he saw and he will discover how to be happy. He was confused, “How can I be happy, if I lose all my scales?” One blue fish asked him again to give him a shiny scale. He gave the blue fish a shiny scale. This fish told everyone and they also asked the Rainbow fish to give them a shiny scale. The Rainbow Fish gave all his scales to the other fish until only one shiny scale was left for him. He was surprised that he felt happy even if he gave away his beautiful shiny scales. With this story, Petals learned today that if we share our toys we can have more fun with our friends.
See you all tomorrow!