Will It Stick?
Image from: https://www.freeimages.com/photo/sticky-ball-1547476
The day started with our special birthday boy K being the first one in class. He got big hugs from his teachers went he came into the room. He told them that he’s four years old today and has presents for his friends!
Free Play
We spent the morning dancing, reading books in the house, making presents for K, playing shop, and helping set up for tonight's Petals TeamLab exhibition.
Circle Time
The teachers gave us a sneak peek at what the exhibition will look like. The house was lit up, a video was playing in it and our birthday canvas was also illuminated! It was only a part of the exhibition but we were already amazed.
After the sneak peek, we celebrated K’s birthday! We sang happy birthday in English, Japanese, Hebrew, and Chinese and he told all of us that he’s 4 years old. He passed out the gifts by reading their names on the package and we politely said thank you. We wanted to do something for him as well. One by one we asked if we could hug K and he gladly accepted our hugs. Happy birthday K! We will have another celebration with your other friends!
Since we love playing with the sticky ball we did a little experiment with it today. The experiment was to see if the sticky ball would stick to different surfaces. We picked different materials to throw the sticky ball to, if we think it’ll stick we gathered around the red paper and if not we gathered around the green paper. We threw the ball at the clock, the mirror, the toy kitchen, the house, the trash can, and the white chair. Some of us guessed right but others didn’t but it was ok at least we tried. What do you think stick and won’t stick?
We played a new game today it was called The squirrel and The Crow. The point of the game is for the squirrels to always keep food in the basket while the crow is trying to throw all the food out. The squirrels had to work together to quickly gather food. If they hold the food in their hands the crow might empty the basket. Kai was the crow and we were the squirrels. It was a fast game and sometimes the crow won and sometimes the squirrels won. By the end of the game, the squirrels that played were all sweaty.
We didn’t have Forest Friday today and we missed it but it was still fun being inside. Right before lunch we looked out the window and were a little glad that we weren’t in the downpour but it could have also been extremely fun! We hope you had a wonderful day and we look forward to seeing you at our Petals TeamLab exhibition.
All the happy children in Petals Class