Flowers Birthday Party

Welcome back to Flowers everyone! Hope everyone had a lovely and restful weekend and ready for another blazing week of school! We were very surprised to see what happened to the classroom this morning! Many things were not in the spot they usually were, it was actually quite exciting to have so much open space in the classroom! We first started by helping Nimo stick pictures of our faces on the floor so we know where to stand for our ballet performance next week. After we got everything set up, we played with the Kapla blocks until our May birthday party! We welcomed K, A K, R, and J to Flowers class for our special celebration! Our friends were very impressed with the cute unicorn balloons T’s family prepared for the party! A read us one of K’s favorite book called, “Big Bird Says…” by Sharon Lerner and Joe Mathieu. It was a fun book where Big Bird told us to do simple things like touch our noses or our friends head, also some silly things that made us laugh. We sang a few songs together then we took a look at the three large bags of goodies our birthday families prepared for everyone! We thanked our parents then we waited quietly while our friends started handing out our gifts! When we received our gifts we made sure to look at our friend’s face when we said, “Thank you”.



After our birthday party we had our snacks then headed to the park and played ball with our friends. It was so hot outside a lot of friends were hanging out in the shade. When we got back we laid down under the air conditioner to cool ourselves down. We rehearsed some parts of our graduation then had our circle time.


B read our question of the day, “Did you see the art exhibition?”.

S: What is exhibition?

A: It’s a dad.

B: A unicorn.

A: Maybe it’s a birthday party, because we had a birthday party today.

B: Is it a house?

Nimo: Good guesses, an exhibition is like a showing. In an Art exhibition people show their art kind of like a museum.

K: I go to a Hokusai Museum. I see lots of Hokusai pictures, and everything else.

S: What’s museum?

B: It’s a dinosaur.

T: A place you go to look at art or dinosaurs.

K: There are different kinds of museums. A lot of kinds.

A: I saw a movie where the things come alive in the museum.

K: Did you know you have be quiet in the museum?

B: Why?

K: Because people are looking.

K: Ya, they are looking and they don’t want to be disturbed.

A: In the movie the moving things were mean to the people for being naughty and loud, but they were friendly at the end.

D: I know too, someone hit some people, because the artists don’t like them, they are loud and they break things.

Nimo: Did you like our art exhibition H?

H: Yes, it was good.

K: I see with mom, I had fun.

Y: I didn’t go to a museum yet, I don’t want to go. I go to the zoo, I like tigers.

A: I go to a work museum and a Harry Potter museum.

B: I went to a dinosaur museum with my friend, then when we go on an elevator and got lost when we got off.

S: Is there a Nemo Museum?

K: Maybe! There’s like a museum for everything. I went to a military museum and the military base was connected to the museum!

We took a look at some of the pictures our teachers took of our Ohana Art Exhibition.


We had a very late lunch so we had to hurry to get ready! Today was another great day at school! Have a good evening everyone and we will see you all again tomorrow!


