"When we make a fish, we have to put it together!"

“When we make a fish, we have to put it together!” 🐠

With Liezel facilitating a table full of leftover junk materials, the task was to create models and structures that resemble creatures that live underwater. Materials used included deflated foil balloons, old plastic straws, scraps of colored paper, and googly eyes.

To guide us in forming fishes, Al Pittman’s “Down by Jim Long’s Stage” was on the table for us to browse through its pages boasting of beautiful illustrations of different fishes.

Lots of collaborative work happened as each of us preferred to do a role in order to create sea creatures. Upon seeing how each of us were doing our own “job”, S said, “When we make a fish, we have to put it together!” —- meaning that everyone’s work is needed to make a fish!

Here’s a rundown of what we made and happened:

1. T opted to do all the cutting! He cut big sheets of colored paper into smaller pieces for others to create a fish!
2. K made a stingray replica, paying attention to its distinct features such as its long tail and wide body
3. E enjoyed putting together pieces and created one of a kind sea creatures

On another table together with John, P and J made large fish lanterns. They focused more on pasting and sticking a variety of materials on paper such as plastic mosaics and colored wooden sticks.

💦 Water Tubs 🛁

Three water tubs were laid out on the floor, each having a different purpose. One tub was for observing how watercolor would swirl with water, another was to observe which objects would sink & float, and the last one was to observe how crumpled colored tissue paper would expand when soaked in water.

A few of us may be going home with a bag of wet clothes today yet through this activity, we were able to practice independence and followed instructions such as:

1. Taking off one’s shoes & socks and arranging it in a line so that it doesn’t look messy
2. Waiting for the next available spot to join the activity as it could only accommodate four at a time
3. Waiting to be assisted by Erika in drying our hands & feet before moving to another activity so as to avoid making the floor wet.

Here are several accounts of what transpired in this activity:

1. C discovered that squeezing water out of a bottle looked like pee coming out
2. K was fascinated with how colored tissue paper expanded and looked like flowers when soaked in water
3. H used a loofah to transfer water from one tub to another. She even contemplated on how to secure the water she managed to fill inside a plastic bag… she ended up suggesting that a teacher help her in tying it!
4. E enjoyed rubbing cotton buds into a watercolor palette and see how colors would swirl when it is dipped in water.
5. J filled up a bottle of water and made his watercolor experiment
6. N enjoyed rubbing cotton buds with a watercolor palette and almost painted her face with it!

“Let’s Work Together” Free Play

With most of us being more verbally communicative, we all engaged in a Free Play that enabled us to collaborate and strengthen our social skills.

R, being one of the oldest in class, was able to practice her leadership skills in inviting friends to participate in a group activity of completing a puzzle.

R, enjoyed exploring different materials after observing others have fun in stacking blocks!

We all gave J a hug and high five when he proudly showed us the tall tower he managed to stack all on his own!

While all this was happening, Tamara was on the move of measuring our height and weight. Our teachers got teary eyed upon seeing how much we have grown over this school year. Guess who amongst us grown the most?

Circle Time

Most of our Circle Time was spent during transition period wherein we had a lot of items to clean up and pack away before we could all settle. It is interesting to note how our older friends were the ones modeling for the younger ones on how to pack away. When one of us would forget to use our listening ears, we would remind each other to listen to teachers’ instructions so as to keep the flow of the class smooth.

In congruence with our theme on fish today, we sang and danced to the following songs:
1. “Baby Shark”by Pink Fong ft. Luis Afonso
2. “Baby Shark” by Toddler Tunes
3. “Slippery Fish” by Amy Liz

By next week, we look forward to put together the themes of plants, fish, and nature to create our very own fish pond inside our room!

Aside from that, we also did a pretend dance of sea creatures by listening to The Furns’ “Jangala” and read the story of “Smiley Shark” by Ruth Galloway.

We hope all of you are having a lovely Tuesday so far.

Buds Class Children