Rain Rain Come Again

It’s our first rainy Forest Friday!! Yey! We have to give a big thanks to our parents for preparing us and giving us waterproof pants, jacket and boots. Without this we wouldn’t have been able to enjoy ourselves the way we did. And how did we enjoy ourselves…? You’re about to find out. 

On the way to the park we stopped by Step Park to jump in our first puddle of the day. After our first test run of the day we continued to walk to the forest. We took the same detour that we did last week in the alley. We saw a huge puddle and of course happily jumped in it! It’s so great not having to worry about getting too wet and cold. When we walked past the baseball field we saw even more puddles and had another jumping fest there. 

When we finally made it to Arisugawa park we immediately saw a bunch of hato (Japanese for pigeon) fly over us! We were so amazed by the birds that we went hato hunting. We went and chased the hato until they flew to the trees. Even in the trees they were no match for us as we made lots of loud noises. H thinks we were so loud that we even scared the hato away from the trees! They flew up on the roof of the building to get away from us. M said, “We need wings to get up there. Real wings! Or an airplane!” This didn’t stop us from hato hunting though. We ended up chasing a hato into the circular grassy area. When that hato flew away most of us already moved on to climbing and jumping from the rocks. We spent most of our time around this area testing our physical ability. Climbing rocks in the rain with rainboots is harder than you think but actually we “rocked” it! The teachers saw at one point that we were starting to stand still so they asked if we wanted to go somewhere else. We all agreed and started to explore the rest of the park. 

When we first started exploring we saw a gigantic… WORM! It wasn’t wormageddon like last time but this one was moving! We gathered around it to look at it. O and M were brave enough to touch it. We said thanks to the worm for letting us look at it and then went on our way. We decided that we wanted to find the water. But there’s already water everywhere! We found more puddles on our walkabout and came upon the gazebo area. At the gazebo area we enjoyed climbing on the bench and jumping off of it. When walking down the steps to a different area O made sure to remind everyone, “Be careful it’s slippery.” It was slippery today and some of us did slip but it was a tangible learning experience for us. 

We arrived at the bottom of the park to the big pond. We found the koi fish and looked at the calm and serene park before heading back. On the way back we picked our route and decided where to go. Sometimes it was hard to tell which way to go and we had to turn back around but we eventually did make it back! We realized that today was a special day because we had the whole park to ourselves. There were no other schools there. It felt like a real forest with no one around. We hope you’ve had a peaceful harmonious day. 

Love always,

Puddle Hunting Petals Class Children