Добридень! Welcome to Ukraine!

Here’s Maryna showing us the beautiful embroidered patterns on her traditional Ukrainian dress.

Hello March! It was a warm day so we felt spring is just around the corner. (It seems like tomorrow will be very cold again, oh no!) We had a wonderful day as we had a special guest from the office, and it was Maryna! She had the presentation about her country which is Ukraine. “Good morning!” Maryna came into our class. She had a beautiful flower crown on her head and a Ukrainian blouse on. She started by telling us where her country is. “From Japan to Ukraine…It’s very far.” How can we go there? We said, “Airplane!” Then she showed the picture of Ukraine’s flag and it was blue and yellow. Maryna asked us why there are blue and yellow. “What blue thing you can see?” L answered, “Blue sky.”Maryna asked, “Why yellow?” H said that it’s Mr Sun. L wondered out loud about the flower on Maryna’s head. S said, “Look the flower like this.” Maryna showed a picture and said that you see lots of snow in Ukraine. S pointed it out and said, “Look, it's snow!” Maryna asked us, “What can you do with lots of snow?” Kenzo said, “Shovel.” L commented, “Snowman.” L also said, “Snowman.” H and C want to see Elsa, they said. One of our favourite topics was food. When we saw the picture of bliny (It looks like crepe),  S excitedly said, “It's yummy!!” Then Maryna mentioned that Ukrainians eat a lot of bread. They have different kinds of bread- even wedding bread. Pauline asked her about her favourite food; Maryna said that her favorite food is bliny. Kai also had a question for her, “Do people usually have it sweet or savoury?” Maryna said that it can be both. She had a beautiful Ukrainian table cloth that she showed and let us touch.

 It’s game time! Maryna introduced a traditional Ukrainian game to us. It was rope jumping! We jumped over the rope. Maryna was amazing! She could jump very high, wow! The Sayaka, Kai, and Pauline also gave it a try- we cheered them on as they tried to jump over the rope. We had another jumping activity- in Ukraine, people jump over a fire for good luck. Maryna use the red paper as pretend fire. We jump over the “fire” - it was a fun activity. Thank you so much, Maryna for today! Dyakuyu!

Before Maryna came over in the morning, we had a short discussion. It’s about how we take care of things and show respect to other classes. The other day Bud's teacher found many toys such as twigs, insect counters, and other things we play with on the balcony. We accidentally dropped them while we were playing and didn’t tell the teacher about it. Sayaka showed the things we dropped and asked us what do we do if we drop something. We took a moment to think abou it…. Then Sayaka asked, “Is it ok if we just keep dropping and dropping them on Buds and we don’t care about them?” We said, “I don't do it.” “No, it’s not me.” Our teachers seemed very serious and said it again, all the toys and things belong to Petals. Sayaka mentioned that it’s ok to make a mistake. She added that people sometimes drop things accidentally. Then L raised her hand and said, “Go downstairs with teachers” A also said, “Go to Buds class” Sayaka asked, “Do you go to Buds by yourself?” K raised hand and said, “Go with teachers.” Our teachers nodded their heads. They emphasized again, we all make mistakes and we learn from them. Our teachers really want us to understand that it is not the first time that we needed to be reminded about taking care of things, showing respect to others. Kai asked us if the Flowers class drop something from their class, how would we feel. “No! I don't like.” H said. Lea shook her head. We learn from our mistakes this time and now we know what we need to do next time.

We didn’t miss the beautiful weather! We had fun at the park. We had a wonderful day and we hope you all had a great day, too! 

See you all tomorrow!


All the Happy Bunny in Petals Class