Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

                Z was so excited when she came to tell the teachers this morning, “So, people are going to watch our performance today, right?”. Performance? Oh! We talked about making a movie about the Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. Do we have things that we need for our performance? Z shook his head and said, “Oh, we haven’t made them yet”.  K asked if the people who are going to watch us were real people or mannequins. Well, we’re lucky that real people such as our moms and dads, and perhaps grandmas and grandpas are the ones coming to watch us.

                We can’t wait to start making our movie props. In the meantime, we are going to plan what to do, the things that we need and of course, how we are going to do the movie.


                “Do you know the 3 R’s?” … What are the 3 R’s? D seemed to associate the number 3 with the book that we read yesterday. He answered, “Oh like our book. The three wolves and the big bad pig. I like the book!”. 3R’s…what could they be?  Then Vieda gave a hint, “N showed me something that he saw on the road when we walked to the park”.

                N: It’s recycling!

                K: (pointed to the picture) This! This! This goes round and round. It means recycle.

                R: (pointed to the symbol)

                A: That’s recycle!

                Z: I saw plastic in the bin, that doesn’t have a sign. My Auntie April throws it in the bin that says it’s okay to throw it in the bin.

D went to the board and read all the names of Flowers friends that answered NO for our question of the day. Au clapped his hands after he heard him read the names. Bravo indeed D for reading all the names very well!

  Back to our question, what are the 3 R’s? Ky suddenly said, “Ah, I know! Recycle!”. Then S replied, “R starts with R. too!”. Ch raised his hand and said, “It’s REDUCE!”, whereas K answered, “REUSE!”. Phew! Now we have the 3 R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Ch and N helped us sing a song that helps us remember to do reduce, reuse, and recycle.

                It’s amazing how we have been learning about what happens with our garbage after we throw them away. When we learned that the animals get affected with how we dispose our garbage, we felt that we want to help save our ocean and our animals. Knowing things draws us one step towards making the change. Now, we want to take the next step to help our ocean and our earth. And the best way to do this step is to think (and do!) of practical things that we can REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE.

                Today, we tried to “brainstorm” to find ways that we can do in Flowers to reduce. Z suggested that brainstorm “is when your brain is thinking a hundred million things”. Well, our brains could be thinking that much as we as a group share our ideas with each other.  

                Let’s start with the paper towels we use after we wash our hands. How can we the reduce concept be applied with this?

                D: We use not three (paper towels). Only one!
               Ch: We reduce paper we use for quiet time like, we draw in the front and then on the back, too.

                Ky: Mottainai! Wasting ghost will come.

                Z: I made Pete the Cat picture and sued the back side of the paper, too!

 What happens when each of us in Flowers uses 3 paper towels each time, we dry our hands. Vieda asked us to take 3 rocks from a jar. These rocks represented the pieces of paper towels that we use. Then we counted all of them. It totaled to 33 pieces versus 11 pieces if we only used one. We know that 11 is less than 33. Aha! Reduce means to use less. When we use less, there will be less garbage, too!

                How about the regular tissue papers that we use to wipe our nose?  Ch shared his idea. He said, “When I use the tissues to wipe my nose, I wipe one time. And then fold it in half and then use it again. I don’t throw it right away.”. Thank you for that idea!

  For our homework, could you please think of ways that we can REDUCE, REUSE, or RECYCLE?

Please have a great evening and see you tomorrow!


Flowers XOXO