Welcome To France

Buds Class travels to France!

Good morning everyone! Hope everyone had a beautiful weekend! The weather is changing, and the sun shines so bright that it gives us a warm feeling. Buds Class was ready for another great week as we said a big hello with a big smile, "Good morning, everyone! Happy Monday!"

Table Activities

For our first activity, our teachers prepared some clips and pinchers. It was interesting because our friends knew what to do with clips. They even used a piece of paper and books just to attach to them. Our friends organized and planned out mixing the materials with rocks and other sensory materials.

Liezel and Tamara kindly helped us make the o-bentos which was also the activity last week. Some of our friends couldn't do it yet, so it was a perfect chance for all of us to complete. We loved identifying the food we put on the o-bento and we even chose our food preference. Some of us who've done it wanted to do it again, and they even taught the little ones how to stick them properly on the plate.

John: Ca, would you like to put broccoli on your bento?
Ca: Ummm...I am not sure. Maybe, I want to put sausage and onigiri.
John: Sounds like a good idea.
Ca: Oh, I want tomatoes.
John: I wonder what else you can include.
Ca: I think it's okay.

We had so much fun with our puzzle matching and connecting figurines. At first, the puzzle matching was a bit tricky because the goal of this activity was not just to connect the pieces but also to figure out how the shapes and colors match the pictures. Su, Ja, El, and Ji did it with us.

Su: John, what this means? (He was pointing at one piece and asking what was written on the color)
John: Su, that's a good question. That is a word with letters and it says the color on the tile.
Su: Is it pink?
John: You got it!

We then moved on with the shapes and how they can be connected and categorized in each picture. Well done! Our friends have done it amazingly.

The other table was also busy with paper mache, rocks, feathers, bangles, and a mesh ball. We got curious, and our friends experimented by discovering the different textures of the materials. The big rocks and paper mache looked the same, but they didn't weigh just the same. The paper mache was smooth when we touched and felt them, but the rocks were rough and hard. We also liked the bangles, and we put them on our wrists. They fit well on us, which can be a new fashion statement at Ohana.

Floor Activities

Of course, our day wouldn't be complete if we didn't have cars, trucks, and diggers on the floor. We also discovered that we could put the rocks in our classroom's small dump truck toys. There were also some color projections on our wall. We loved seeing the kaleidoscope lights, and we wanted to touch them. So, we stood tall on the cushions and tried reaching for the moving patterns on the wall.

Block Play is also one of our favorite things to do in class. Today, we helped our friends in creating buildings and houses. Our friends and teachers always found a way to explore and discover with all the things around us but, most importantly, the relationship we create each day.

Welcome to France

Today, Ma (J's mom) greeted us with a warm "Bonjour." We traveled to Europe, and our destination was France. We enjoyed traveling to this country today as Mai prepared so well with our activities. First, she taught us how to say some words in French, such as Bonjour (Hello), Merci (Thank you), and C'est Bon (Yummy). Then, she showed us food like cheese (fromage), bread (du pain), cake (galette de rois), and snails (les escargots).

And then it was time to make something for ourselves. We made our own crepes (les crepes). The ingredients were some thin pancakes, strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. Our whipped cream was made of fluffy and soft cotton. We then folded our crepes with the fruits and whipped cream inside. It was a great project!

Lastly, we sang a French song called Sur Le Pont d' Avignon. It was a song about a bridge, and various people described what they liked doing on the bridge. The gentlemen bowed their heads with their hats, the ladies did a curtsey, and the police officers saluted!

Thank you so much, Ma, for another special time, and we learned so much from your presentation! We also sang with glee our "Thank you song." Instead of just singing it in English, we used the French language and substituted "Merci beaucoup".

There is a Giraffe in My Soup by Ross Burach was an exciting read for today. We were surprised by the animals we saw inside the soup, and the scariest one was having the lion in the soup!

The next book was about the letter, and it's our all-time favorite called, "Chika, Chika, boom, boom." We're starting to get more interested in the letters and seeing them going up and down on the coconut tree. This made us more excited to learn more about them.

Earthquake Drill

We also did our earthquake drill in the classroom. We quickly went under the table to make sure we were all safe during the big shake. After that, we went outside and put our helmets on. We counted our friends, and we're complete! Hooray!

Park Time

It was a sunny morning, and it was also warm outside. We had so much fun playing with the balls and running in the green area with our friends! Our friends and teacher took an imaginary trip to Disneyland wherein our teachers pretended to be like Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pluto! Buds Class went to so many places today! Thank you so much, Ohana, for another great day!

Lots of love,
All the children from Buds Class

Ohana International School